
Is this something endemic to our time, or have trans people always been among us?
I don't understand why suddenly we have Trans people asking for all these Rights when a short time ago, this wasn't an issue.


Trams people have always been among us, although there is more speculation as to who may have been. It was easier to hide when one didn't need to produce government ID. Check out Elagabalus for one. Or Willmer Broadnax. Indiginous people have acknowledged two spirit people for a very long time.

Like I said, trans people mostly stayed hidden or weren't discovered until death. It's much more difficult today to not be discovered, but chances are you've come across a Trans person and didn't even know it.

Human rights should be human rights. I don't see Trans people asking for rights that others don't have.


To be clear, I'm not anti-trans, nor against basic civil rights. It just seems like an unexpected phenomena. It's one thing to be homosexual or feel butch, but to actually want to change or be ambiguous in gender and all the uproar with which public bathroom is appropriate and whether the military should pay for sex reassignment, it's surprising to me. I imagine a lot of people feel a little uncomfortable if faced with someone who they don't understand.


I totally agree that it's about misunderstanding. Unfortunately, people seem to fear what they don't understand. The whole bathroom thing has been blown way out of proportion and has created such an atmosphere of fear. I don't know much about the american side of things. I didn't know that it was about paying for reassignment, I thought it had more to do with just allowing trans people in the military period. There's such a stigma that just because someone is homosexual or trans that they will be attacking straight people left, right, and centre. Statistics show that that simply isn't true.



People can do whatever they want to with their bodies. It's their decision. If they have always been uncomfortable with their assigned sex at birth, then they have the right to change. I've known several trans-sexuals and they are comfortable. So what's the problem?


ye, mental illnesses have plagued the human race from the start. But unlike most of human history, now these people have enablers


I don't share your feeling this is a mental illness, but I did want to hear some thoughtful responses to a sincere question.


The people calling this a mental illness sees the same types of people who would have called homosexuality a mental illness fifteen years ago.

So, in other words, I agree with you that trans status is not a mental illness.

That said, as someone who does have a genuine mental illness, I'd like to see the stigma taken out of it.



When Hobby Lobby filed some suit complaining they should not have to pay for contraception, viscerally I didn't like the company, but intellectually I did wonder whether they should be on the hook for it. In the long run, it's cheaper for society to go this route, but I did wonder whether any entity is OBLIGATED to pay for someone's birth control. I still dislike the company for what I feel is a dogmatic, religious decision. Excuses using religion suck.



I really don't like your nom de plume.
But today, society helps pay for society's ills. If people qualify for public assistance, up to a point they deserve what people who can afford it get. Well off prople don't have to be responsible because their own pockets or insurance pay. And we know that insurance rates are partly driven by those who get the benefits from the insurance company. i think that system is totally rigged. Insurance companies have $$ falling out of their pockets, and just pass along any costs to the rest of us.


"The people calling this a mental illness sees the same types of people who would have called homosexuality a mental illness fifteen years ago."



Allah loves wondrous varieties. 😊
