MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why is there so many political threads o...

Why is there so many political threads on this site?

Is there not a political forum any of you can go to complain about this or that? It's a website called Movie Chat and at least two of the most recent discussions are always regarding politicians. I imagine most of the people that joined this site want to discuss movies, but now we have to deal with politics here also just like everywhere else. Am I alone in thinking this shouldn't be the place for that?


There are plenty of threads to discuss movies and entertainment. Why not tell us what you watched last week in stonekeeper's weekly thread.


I actually just discovered that earlier this week and made a post already 😅


I just noticed. thanks.


Though I sort of wish it would send notifications when someone posts in a thread you've posted in regardless if it's a reply or not. That's how the Steam forums work and when you no longer want updates you just unsubscribe from the discussion


There haven't been any good movies in a long time, and the reason is mainly the insufferable political correctness of the left. Remember that scene in Ace Ventura when he finds out Einhorn's a man? You can't make that anymore.


I think the issue is that too many politics-oriented posts end up on General Discussion rather than on the Politics board.

I have no problem with those who want to discuss it, but please take it to that board. I should think you're more likely to get responses from folks who actually want to discuss it.

It would certainly be a courtesy to those who come here to escape that stuff.


OK, politics is real and important, most movies are a waste of time - unless they are in some way political.


Why are you even here though if you think movies are a waste of time? Of course politics are important, but it's nice to have an escape from all the bullshit. Most people's talk of politics is all about name calling and arguing instead of having just a regular discussion. Since when is name calling important?


a very good question.


Just because you are not talking politics here does not mean you escape the bullshit. It's the same when people talk or argue about movies or actors. If you say something good about an actor then someone will make fun or you or attack you, and same if the reverse.


I wont make fun of you brux
Who are your favorite actors?
