MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What happened to rottentomatoes?

What happened to rottentomatoes?

Does anyone know why you can't see the average score of a movie now? I mean I can still see the tomato meter but not the average score. Anyone know why this is?


Billion dollar superhero movie got a bad rating and they had to shut it down.


They have made, and are in the process of making, changes to the site.
Here's their editorial from February 25th ...

Among the things the editorial states is, "Starting this week, Rotten Tomatoes will launch the first of several phases of updates that will refresh and modernize our Audience Rating System."

Hope this helps.


Oh okay. Honestly I hope the average score stays. That is usually a better indicator of quality than the tomato meter. It's lame people review bomb things. Like seriously if you hate it don't watch it. Why do people need to be validated so bad they feel the need to smear a movie's rating before even seeing it?


No you don't. You asked for this.


Um no.


This is the same crap the IMDb pulled back in 2017, and few of us have been back to that site as regular users since.


I just tried it
Searched Ghostbusters (84) as a test
97% Tomatometer Rating
88% Audience Score
Seems to be working for me

Not sure this helps but good luck


No I can see the audience rating and tomato meter just fine. I can't see the average score.


The 'More Info' button under the other ratings brought me to Average Rating...8.14/10
I'm on a cell phone, could that make a difference?
I really don't know


Ok there we go thanks bud.


Anytime Amigo👍



they announced changes last week including no comments on a movie before its release.


The page has changed a little, but you can still see the scores of movies. I just searched Godfather and got the ratings.
