MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Have you had surgery?

Have you had surgery?

I am in waiting room while my boyfriend has gallbladder surgery. I once had a bone cyst removed from within my elbow joint. The only other time I had general anaesthesia was when I had my wisdom teeth taken out. Have you ever been under the knife?


Best wishes to your boyfriend
That will require some rest time
Good on you for being there for him buddy👍
I had arthroscopic surgery on my knee about 10 years ago (tore my miniscus-yikes!!!)
The Doctor told me it was a fairly painless procedure and I'd be up and about in a couple days...My Ass 'a couple days!'
I missed 4 days of work...luckily my boss was pretty cool about it

Good luck Amigo and chuck the painkillers they give him, those pills are worse than anything!

Be well Pete, nice hearing from you


no major surgery for me except for a procedure when I was 11. I had another simple procedure when I was 34.
had a lump removed from the back of my head a few years ago. a lipoma
broke a collar bone as a kid - no surgery just a lot of pain. i have a had few stitches from playing hockey.

all the best to your guy.


Yes, several times, but it was mostly really ordinary stuff. Let's see....

At age 12, I had to have a gum transplant so that the gums in front of my lower front teeth were strong enough to handle my getting braces. The orthodontist was worried that the braces would pull my 4 lower front teeth out, so that's why I got the surgery. The dental surgeon took a small piece from the left side of the roof of my mouth, and attached it way down at the base of my gums below my two lower front teeth. I'm pleased to report that the surgery worked :)

That same year, I got in a fight and got hit on the head with a locker lock. A plastic surgeon used 6 stitches on my forehead. You can't even see the scar unless I point it out, that's how good he was :). He normally did cosmetic surgery for adults, but also did reconstructive work on children who had been injured. He preferred the latter when it came to his work. The good news was, it didn't hurt hardly at all when I got hit (due to adrenaline), and the kid who did it to me went to juvie.

I've also had my wisdom teeth out. My parents arranged for it to be done right after school ended my Jr. year, so I wouldn't have to run around with swollen cheeks and ice bags wrapped around my head in public. I was soooo grateful for that.


Just getting my wisdom teeth removed.


Yes, I’ve had a couple of surgeries for ear problems. I hope your bf has a quick and easy recovery.


Yep I had surgery on my back, I got through a load of nicotine patches while I was in there.


All the best

I had pancreatic cancer and had to have surgery to get it removed . Was scary, but doctors and technology are amazing. Just take care of him when the surgery is done


The only surgery I've had was having a mole removed from my face a long time ago.
