MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Leah Remini: Scientology and the Afterma...

Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath

I highly recommend this excellent series. It's rated 9.2 on IMDB, and exposes the cruelty and hypocrisy of this terrible cult. It takes TAX EXEMPT money, and uses it to destroy families!
We need to press Congress to force the IRS to revoke their tax exempt status. BTW, the church
was granted this status only after a long and vicious church campaign against individuals in the IRS.



Scientology has always bugged me because it seems so accepted in Hollywood. I was surprised to hear recently that Michael Pena is a Scientologist. He always seemed like a down to earth guy.

Concerning Tom Cruise, thank god his ex wife Katie Holmes got their daughter out of harms way in time. That psycho wanted to send her to that weird "Sea Org" Program. I understand you can't discriminate on religion in this country, but I wish more people in with a voice would call them out for what they are....a cult.


Hollyweird is full of weird people. And the ones who join Scientology, like Pena, are weirder than most. And I agree with you about Katie Holmes and her daughter.

Don't worry about discrimination, Scientology is NOT a religion. It's a cruel and dangerous cult.

I'm going to write my Congressman and my Senators about this.



Stacy Carosi ain't messing around!


AMEN and GOOD FOR HER! I hope she and the show can help bring down this evil and dangerous cult!



I didn’t know she had a TV program about it, but I’ve seen she has a book of the same title.

Have you seen Going Clear documentary?


No I haven't, but I shall. Thanks for the heads up!



You’re welcome and thank you also. I need to check the Leah Remini one. 😊




season 3 - going after the money - how it is bilked, sequestered in real estate, spend on terror tactics & intimidation with armies of investigators & lawyers & trolls.

the objective of this series is, has been from the beginning, to expose scientology for the fraud it is, and take it down. they're not playing.

in the now 50+ years of the scientology cult's existence, there has never before been a credible sustained attack upon it from a major media outlet.

KUDOS to A&E for providing this platform. it is truly a public service.


AMEN! Let's hope they are successful in taking them down!

