UPS sucks

I was waiting for a delivery all day and it never came. So I checked online and UPS claims they tried to deliver it a 6:58 pm. Both of us were home all day and the front door is open. You are lying UPS.


They do lie!

That's why you need to get video cameras in to show them that they haven't arrived.

It all changes after that.


Now I have to pick it up at the UPS store tomorrow.


I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. I've never had a problem with UPS. The only incident I've had is with FedEx. I bought a custom-made wood storm door (I had to because my front door is arched). When it arrived, the wooden crate was split open along one side. It looked like the crate had been either dropped or hit with forklift. The delivery driver tried to blame it on a poor packing job by the shipper. BS - that company knows what it's doing and how to pack their products to ship safely. Fortunately, the door and its glass were not damaged because yes, the company knows how to do it right!


I hate paying for a service I don't get. It bugs me.


I know what you mean. I don't mind paying for it, but dagnabbit, you better do what you promised!


UPS guy left my sealed box containing a 6TB hardrive right outside my door in plain view. Someone stole it.


That's criminal!


NewEgg sent me a another hardrive...


That should have been a Signature item.


There was a second time lol


Don't blame the drivers. If I was delivering stuff in the heat all day with no AC...I'd probably do a terrible job too.


They lied that what is bothering me. It won't kill me to go to the UPS store just don't lie and tell me you attempted to deliver it when you didn't.


I picked the package up and the guy says if you are not home they will take it to a UPS store. I was home. Still lying.


The correct response should have been that they'll be disciplining the driver. Sheesh. Funny that they don't realize that plenty of people make sure they're home if they're expecting a package. What with all the porch pirates we see these days it's to be expected. I wonder if they'll change the status to "picked up by recipient??" Yeah, I doubt it.


I have made an online complaint. Just want to see what they will do - nothing I bet. I will try Purolator next time.


Good. Purolator, huh? I didn't know they deliver packages. Around here in the upper midwest we have Spee Dee Delivery. Cheaper and better service, but unfortunately it's only in the surrounding five states.


Here in Canada, Purolator is owned by the Post Office. Very strange. The only thing that makes money at the Post Office is the package delivery service.


Oops, momentary blonde moment. Canada.


Ive never had a problem with UPS or FedEx
Neither has let me down
Hope you got the items by now


Same thing happened here at my friend’s house. I had placed an order for her and continued to track. “Out For Delivery” it states. I checked later “We Attempted Delivery....” I check for the sticky note informing they will attempt sticky note. So I call and get an overseas agent which I could not understand most of her “read off the sheet” reply. I hung up on her! I waited and called a second time requesting a US Representative like I can with Amazon. No can do. I got the same “read off the sheet” rhetoric. I informed her I don’t believe he found the address so what good is it to keep telling me he will attempt a 2nd & 3rd time. I’ve had a call tag issued for a damaged item that’s been sitting outside for over a week!


Being in Canada you get the B team. UPS is super reliable in the States. They've been known to suck on occasion everywhere, but their rep is way better than the US postal service. About on par with Fedex. Nobody can be perfect all the time. With as much stuff gets ordered online and sent vast distances I am amazed anything gets anywhere.
