MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I FINALLY found my dog!!!

I FINALLY found my dog!!!

It happened last Tuesday evening. Didn't expect it. Randomly ran a search on "shepherd mix California" and up he came. Thought I'd probably get a female, but it being the right dog was more important than anything else, certainly than gender.

When I read about him I thought "Ok, he really might be the one." Called his rescuer, talked. She sent me more photos and a few videos. Thought about it, called her back and asked if I could drive over *that evening* to meet him, and if it looked good, if I'd be able to drive back home with him. She said yes!

Here's the ad:

Within an hour I was driving 100 miles to meet him, and brought him home that night.

I have no fenced yard here, and there are chickens, ducks, and a cat, so my dog had to be cool with all of these things. No small feat to find! But we found one another, at last.

He was rescued from a very bad situation, chained up in a desert with 49 other dogs, cats, and a cock-fighting ring. No one knew anything about him, his name, age, history, nothing.

He's amaaaaaaazing! He's also a hero, which I won't go into now because this is already a long post. I'm SO HAPPY!!!


What a pupper, and good on you being a rescuer. All my cats are rescues, but as they say... Who really rescued who? It's so very mutual.


Tough part of your post reading about how him and the others were found, though. Some people are just... ugh.


Told ya this kid was a gem cat...I don't lie👍


Oh Catbookss! I'm so happy to hear you and Captain found each other. That doggy looks like a real sweetie pie. I hope you have a wonderful life together for many years. Thank you for being such a kind hearted soul to a doggy that deserves all the good things in life.
