MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What you do think of property rights?

What you do think of property rights?

I really dislike seeing people walking on my wall or trespassing.
But I am also against violent retaliation, regardless of how abhorrent these people might be.




Trespassing is a good way to get shot or end up as a snack for my pits



Shouting "Get off of my lawn!" for example...



Clint Eastwood, "get off of my lawn!"


turn on your sprinkler system


^The perfect answer^


you should see the dogs (and their owners) run when I turn them on, so funny, lol




If you shoot them they typically don't do it again ;)

It really depends where it is, in a neighborhood chances are kids are going to be all over the place, so unless it becomes a regular thing and they didn't do any damage I would probably let it go. Adults I would be more weary of as they know better and have little reason to be running around the neighborhood like a child.

In more rural areas that is a bit different, its rarely necessary to go far onto someones property in those areas so if you catch someone out there that should be taken more seriously.


What about property rights. I own property, I work and purchase things that I own. I am absolutely in favor of property rights.

Is there some specific angle of property rights you are asking about?





Unless the property has been in the family forever it might be time to change to a more secluded neighborhood. The kind with no schools, playgrounds, corner stores, etc. nearby. Even if the law is on your side once people get a taste of pushing you around they will want to keep on doing so if they know it bothers you.
