MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The best decision you've made in your li...

The best decision you've made in your life?

Mine is to downsize and live as a minimalist, and to live in accordance with the old stoics. Been living like this for five years and I really recommend it.

What's yours?


-Meeting my hero, Mort Sahl multiple times.
-Traveling (Europe, Australia, Asia, etc.... I'm from the US, btw)
-Learning to play musical instruments
-Publishing my music and books
-Buying a house and starting my business when I was 22


Saving for life and retirement. We're able to do more.


Someone once told me that if you don't save something from your weekly paycheck, you worked that week for nothing. Wise advice.


Not following Mr.Dazed into the bathroom after he uttered the words
"My belly doesn't feel right"


Leaving film school to take a job as a PA.
Never finished school, but I believe I learned more and faster on the job while getting paid than I ever would have paying a fortune to sit in class.
