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The people on Fox News are still talking about that stupid flag.

How is it even possible to be that compulsively patriotic?


I don't watch Fox so I don't know what you are referring to that has set you off. I will say that is very understandable to be upset about the flag or the national anthem being disrespected. People from all backgrounds died in service to this country and a majority did so as volunteers. Further, not every white person who lives here was born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Many (of their ancestors) came from crap situations in Europe where the nobility owned everything and the best you could hope for was not starving or freezing to death. The US was a chance for many of them to succeed in life. I get Kaepernick's view that many people of color did not get the same opportunity but his approach to focus attention on that was all wrong. He made the gesture then explained it afterward which was a huge mistake. Even if it was for 3 hours (the length of a NFL game) the delay in explanation allowed for many to draw their own conclusions then it was too late. Any statement after that has happened amounts to CYA in many people's minds.


Honestly after reading American Holocaust and Without Sanctuary I no longer am able to care about people being "offended" over someone disrespecting the stupid flag.


I have not read either one. To speed the discussion tell me what it is about those works that inspired your opinion.


American Holocaust is an in-depth account of the (near) extinction of the Native American race by European settler's diseases and mass murder.

Without Sanctuary is a "photographic essay" of lynching's of African people in America by Caucasian mobs, including documentations on the incidents. Some of the lynching's resemble human sacrifices.


I can't excuse the actions of others but I will note those were times when the average person was a whole lot closer to being a barbarian than an enlightened compassionate individual. Sometimes even today the only thing that stops people regardless or background or origin from being a barbarian is opportunity. Which means when many are given sufficient leeway those same people can be counted on performing at their worst.

I can't excuse lynchings but have taken the unpopular position that at some point we have to let go of the past if we are to progress to towards the future. It's hard to swallow if your group is the most recent to endure suffering. The primitive nature in all humans is to want to get even but look at how much social and scientific progress was never realized because man refused to put his anger aside.


"at some point we have to let go of the past if we are to progress to towards the future."

In that case you people should lead by example and stop talking about Kapernick.


those were times when the average person was a whole lot closer to being a barbarian than an enlightened compassionate individual.

I don’t know that the average person has gotten much better. Have you seen the rest of the Internet?


Sure is depressing to think about.


Honestly, after reading something like that I would be even more convinced that these millionaire athletes are just acting silly.


I will say that is very understandable to be upset about the flag or the national anthem being disrespected. People from all backgrounds died in service to this country and a majority did so as volunteers.

They didn't die to support symbols, they died to support freedoms. Freedom to kneel during the anthem, for example.


All of that should have been brought up before the first kneel down. Nothing breeds mistrust and suspicion more than making a gesture and then explaining it later. I think if you asked most veterans they would say that they risked their lives to insure people could vote in elections, move about the country freely, to pursue an education among other things. Sure, some might say that freedom includes protesting the anthem at a football game but I doubt you will find that every last veteran espouses that view.


What flag? I don't watch Faux News.
