MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What did you watch this week? (09/24-09/...

What did you watch this week? (09/24-09/30)

Hey you, yes you, how you doin’?
Have you seen these movies?:

The Terminator (1984 DVD): It had been so long since I saw it that I realised I remembered nothing from it, only scenes from the sequel. So it was like a first time for me. I also realised that it’s not really a great movie. We are obviously in it for the action but the shooting was not even that good. I can only take so much of futile shotgun’s shells. Bottom line, it’s an average chase-and-run story. The special effects on Terminator’s face and body were the best elements of the film. The actors were ok but the characters were only mediocre, the pacing was good but the plot was thin and I think it could be a contender for the worst sex scene in cinema. 6/10

Terminator 2: Judgment day (1991 Bluray): Now this one is where it’s at! It’s b-b-b-bad, b-b-b-bad to the bone! I’d say 95% of the scenes ae iconic, the action is off-da-hook and the special effects are revolutionary. Rewatching it on bluray after so many years was one of the coolest experiences. 10/10

Chinatown (1974 TV); Watching this was a real pleasure. Nicholson is formidable, the story moves along nicely and I just loved every exterior scenes, what with the summer sunshine and bright colours of the city. The movie reminded me of the good times I had watching Colombo with my mom. It was a lot of fun to follow the main character as he progress in his investigation. To me, the only problem was the ending. It could've been a little bit more elaborated. (does the grandfather get arrested and if so, with what proof? what will be his sentence? Etc.) 7.5-8/10

Barking dogs never bite (2000 DVD): This is a wonderful little gem. A masterpiece in its simplest form. A simple and captivating story with simple but memorable characters. I literally loved every single one of them. (from the dog-loving old lady that likes to play in the park and spit on the ground to The "dog-loving" janitor) Plus, the movie manage to truly depict important themes like love, friendship, karma, fame and...dogs. Especially the little annoying ones. A lot of people have been offended by this movie apparently, but I am a Huge dog lover and I had a husky for 13 years and this movie did not shock me. I know none of them have been injured and everything is done with humorous taste. That's another positive point of the film, I laughed many times. This is the kind of movie that keeps my total attention from the first to the final scene, so much I don't want to miss even a second. 8.5/10


Who,me!?...oh yes,i've seen the terminator know there's an irony in this...with the advance of the technology these days...anyway,i was to busy in my garden these i'll pass this time.Cheers,mate😉


Terminator 1 I would give a 7.5

Terminator 2 I would give an 8.5. 10/10 really ??

Chinatown is an 8.5 - great atmosphere and very unsettling. haven't seen it in years.


yeah 10/10, Im a boy of the 90's you know...


I loved Terminator and T2. I rate both of them a 9/10. I'm not a big fan of Chinatown. I would rate it a 6/10. I haven't seen Barking Dogs Never Bite. Here is what I watched this week, in chronological order:

They Live By Night (1948) 10/10
The Men Who Star at Goats (2009) 7/10
The Purge (2013) 7/10
Sid & Nancy (1986) 7/10
Bad Boys (1995) 5/10
Superstar (2012) 8/10
The Milky Way (1969) 8/10


THe man who stared at goats: 5.5-6/10
The Purge: 5/10
Bad Boys: 8/10
Superstar: only saw in parts


Some old some new this week

All Quiet On The Western Front (1930) - I understand why the Nazis hated this film and the author of the book had to go into exile during WW2. Someone on here said this was the greatest anti-war movie of all time I would agree. A very stark look at the horrors of war. 9/10

In A Lonely Place (1950) - Saw this on TCM. The guy who introduced it said it was Bogart's best movie. Bogart was great in this film along with Gloria Grahame but the plot was lacking in this movie. 7.5/10

The Third Man (1949) - The movie depicts the shadowy underground of post WW2 Vienna - the time period between WW2 and the Cold War. Great ending. 8.5/10

Seance On A Wet Afternoon (1964) - I hadn't seen this movie in 30 years and it was nice to revisit it. A medium and her husband kidnap a child in order for her to solve the crime and achieve fame. Kim Stanley was great as the medium and was nominated for the Oscar. 8.5/10

Six Shooter (2004) - I watched as part of the ATM club. Difficult to rate short films but I would give it a 7.5/10

Wind River (2017) - A great performance by Jeremy Renner. The Elizabeth Olsen character was a bit irrelevant it could have been played by any number of young actresses. A solid movie at 8/10

Gerald's Game (2017) - two good performances but there was something lacking - not as scary as I expected. 7/10.

The Kettering Incident (2016) - A young Australian doctor returns home to her hometown 15 years after being suspected in the disappearance of a young girl. When she returns another young girl disappears and the town suspects her again. I should have given up on this series. There are too many characters who are not developed properly and the lead character is so unlikable. The ending raises more questions - the whole thing was frustrating. 5/10


Hey, nice to see last week's thread inspired you. AQOTWF is in my top anti-war movies indeed. 8.5/10

Haven't seen the others but there looks to be some potential in there.


you did indeed inspire me- thanks


Great movies this week hownos.

Third Man is one of my favorites.
Seance was also a great movie.

I think you nailed your ratings.


Hey Joey from Friends! What have you done with SK? :P

I like both The Terminator and Terminator 2. Arnold is an intimidating guy, just because he's so big, but I find Robert Patrick much more menacing as a Terminator. It probably has to do with the fact that he can act. Do you prefer the one over the other?

This week for me:

Six Shooter (2004) ATM pick
A train ride, where some passengers have an odd connection. Also, lots of death and laughs. It's a short film. Brilliantly written and acted. And hilarious. Enjoyed it very much, and recommend it greatly.

Alien: Covenant (2017) AKA Dumb and Dumber Tree.
A bunch of stupid idiots on a colony ship do a stupid thing and go off course to an unknown planet because they hear a lady singing a song. There they step on alien spores, break containment protocols and die a lot. Then they meet a magical crazy robot, that can grow hair, and is hell bent on killing everything living, because he has an identity crisis and daddy issues. He also likes to play God by making Xenomorphs. Then more stupid things happen, and in a twist you can see coming a light year away he takes over the whole thing, but sneaky like. It was a mess. At least Prometheus was an exciting mess.

Watched the second half of Much Ado About Nothing, after Keanu was done raping the English accent. It was great, and the ending was wonderful.



"You mean you saw the Walter/David switch twist coming?"

I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, but the moment David cut his hair off I was like "They're going to switch at some point". Why did he have long hair even!? I agree, it was embarrassing.

That bit with the Xeno-baby was just silly. Was it saluting him, or showing us that Xenos know instinctively that David is their God? And the fact that it was a chestburster scene... ugh. Hated that.

Is Ridley losing his mind in his old age? Or does he just not care anymore?


Alien Covenant was terrible


Alien Covenant: Huh, really... I'll look it up then.


Covenant -agreed. Have never seen somebody trapped on a ship an alien before.
Why are they so hell bent on creation?

Much Ado -agreed. I liked it. I still don't get how he was cast in this movie. Shame on you Mr. Branagh
It was still a good adaption.


"Have never seen somebody trapped on a ship an alien before."

I'm usually ok with deciphering what you write, but this time I'm lost lol.
I have no idea what they tried to tell us with all the creation nonsense. Maybe because they were too busy making 2 movies, instead of one coherent one. It's The Fourth Kind all over again.

I know what to expect from Keanu. I still don't get how he got cast in all those period films, either though. But I was shocked at how bad Robert Sean Leonard was! On the other hand, Michael Keaton looked to be having a ball.


I really need to start proof reading my comments.
I have a bad habit of leaving out words or chunks of sentences.
I really don't even know what I was talking about.
I'm sure it was genius though.

At least it was still a good movie.
Keaton was great in this movie. I can't think of anybody who would have done this role better.


Keaton was so much fun to watch! I should look for when AMC is re-running the film, so I can see it in full.

The only problem is, I didn't much understand what they were saying. And the subtitles weren't much help either, despite being taken from the literary translation of Shakespeare /Done by Valeri Petrov, a great writer in his own right. He wrote Yo-ho-ho, the original for The Fall. I think we've talked about that one before./ Anyhoo, with so much dialogue, said at neckbreak speed, it's a tough to even listen to, let alone subtitle properly. Still, beautiful language, understood or not.


It's always tough.
I've read enough and have seen enough movies and plays that I can usually make out
a good deal of it. At least enough to get what They're meaning.

"There was a star danced, and under that was I born."


Let's put it this way; The bad guy in the sequel is way better than the first but Arny has one the the coolest robot character ever.


Arny is indeed cool as the Terminator, but I still prefer Patrick. Arny's Terminator has become a bit of a joke as the series has gone on IMO.


Here's a spoiler for next week: I watched Terminator 3 and I understand what you say completely. (what with the stupid glasses and ''funny'' one-liners)


Ugh, those glasses! Wait until you watch Genisys. Arny trying to sound smart is the stupidest thing I ever saw.


La Ponte-Courte-French-1955. This is given credit as being the first file in the French New Wave movement.
Takes place in a small fishing village. The main stories involve the fisherman going against the law to catch fish and such
also a couple who is trying to save a failing marriage. Camera angles and shots of the village are what on the forefront
of this film. The couple get into deep dialogue while the camera shows things in the village. The problem for me is
I really didn't care about this couple or many people in this village. If you're interested in the history of film you should watch.
I give it a 8 for cinematography and a 6.5 for story. -7

Angel Face-1953-Robert Mitchum, Jean Simmons-director-Otto Preminger. A very good film noir.
Simmons is a femme fatale who hooks Mitchum. Several twists and turns. One of my favorite Mitchum films-8

Rich and Strange-1931-Early Hitchcock. This is a romantic comedy by Hitchcock. I use the term romantic and
comedy very loosely. Glad he didn't choose to go down this path-5

Naked Spur-1953-James Stewart, Janet Leigh, Robert Ryan- Another outstanding Anthony Mann western -7.5

Bobby Fisher Against the World-2011 A documentary about Bobby Fisher. Shows more of his tragic life and what
ultimately destroyed him. -7.5

Meru-2015 A documentary about 3 men and their task of climbing Mount Meru. This an excellent story of these
three men and their quest. It goes into their back stories, how they came do this and everything they went through.
A powerful story of what determination can accomplish. I thoroughly enjoyed this film. -8.5

I like Terminator much more that than the second one. I liked the story much better. Not into special effects.
Agree on Chinatown.


just love The Naked Spur - Robert Ryan was such an underappreciated actor


He really was. Not many people talk about him.
He's been some great movies and had a habit of stealing scenes.
I think he could have been as big as Douglas. He had the talent.


The first two look particularily interesting, thanks.


I love posts like this
Thx Stone!!
-Fear the Walking was ok
I love Nick and the sexy Mom

-Backslasher...Brit slasher film/low budget and not great
But hot girls and pretty good camera work so not horrible...

-King of Kong Island
( 70's Italian exploitation crap)
Lots of fun

See you next week dude


My pleasure ombre!

Thanks for the contribution, don't be shy to hang around.


You got it bud!


Medicine Man (US, 1992)
A reclusive scientist working in the Amazon rainforest has discovered a flower that he thinks contains the cure for cancer, having created a formula from it that he used to successfully treat an indigenous woman. But for reasons he doesn't understand, he's unable to duplicate the formula. He sends for a research assistant to help him figure out the secret. But they're pressed for time, as they haven't been able to find this flower anywhere else, and a road is being constructed right through the area where they're working which threatens everything they've achieved.

Lion of the Desert (Libya, 1980)
This movie, filmed in Libya but made in English, depicts the true story of Omar Mukhtar (played by Anthony Quinn, who blended into the role so well that, but for speaking English, you'd almost forget he's not a Libyan Muslim), the great national liberation leader who led a guerrilla war against Italian imperialism for 20 years. Having repeatedly sent governors that failed to suppress the rebellion, Mussolini sends one of Fascist Italy's cruelest generals, Rodolfo Graziani (later known in real life as the butcher of Ethiopia), to suppress the Libyan resistance. Graziani repeatedly underestimates Mukhtar and the Libyan guerrillas, and Mukhtar continually surprises him and outmaneuvers him, forcing Graziani to continually escalate his cruel and barbarous methods to break the Libyan resistance down. This is a truly rich, epic movie. The action was surprisingly elaborate and gritty, and leaves you wondering how they pulled off some of the stunts in the combat scenes. You can truly feel what the Libyan guerrillas were up against and what a bloody struggle it was, fighting on foot and horseback against machine guns, planes, gas and tanks. The movie is sadly unknown and underrated in the West, treated coldly at the time for being personally supported by Libya's revolutionary leader Muammar Gaddafi. But it's a masterpiece that deserves to be seen.


Medecine Man lol
I took a girl from Valentine Ave in the Bronx to see that
I enjoyed it but she made a point to tell me how boring it was...needless to say i did not get lucky...
Funny times...


Really? I thought it was good. Not great, but good. Though I wasn't crazy about the lead actress.

reply latina from the BX
She had a guy in the Army so...
Great memories anyway lol!
Was it Lorainne Bracco you disliked?


Hey K_K!

I think I saw Medicine man as a kid. I think...
