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See Caitlyn Jenner call out Jimmy Kimmel on his transphobia

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During a taping of "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" the trans reality took the comedian to task for his past comments. Gabriel Bell Follow Skip to Comments. Topics: bruce jenner, caitlyn jenner, Entertainment, Jimmy Kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late-night television ... read full story on Salon


Radical leftists attack their own for not being radical enough.


If I was Kimmel, I wouldn't invite her as a guest anymore. It's too awkward.


I agree. Brucie Jenner is a lightning rod for controversy. Say one wrong thing about him and crybullies crucify you.


If I was Kimmel, I wouldn't invite her as a guest anymore.

It's not a "her". Bruce or whatever he calls himself now still has and forever will possess an XY chromosome set. He can lop off any part of his body he wants (or maybe he didn't) and dress anyway he wants, but he's still not a female by any scientific definition nor can he ever change his gender. To call himself female is offensive to women.

If he doesn't want to call himself a man anymore, the best he can do is call himself a neuter.


Whether we call him he/she/it, it's obvious that he/she/it has a huge chip on his/her/its shoulder. Not the best type of a talk show guest unless the host is prepared to walk on eggshells for the entire duration of the interview. If I was a host I would avoid him/her/it like a plague.


I can't stand Howard Stern one little bit, but I'd pay real money to hear Howard interview him. BTW, *great* post: no errors!!



I still can't stand her (nothing to do with her being trans, I just think that whole family is trash) but both parties were quite graceful here. The headline makes it seem like a harsh confrontation, but he was apologetic and she accepted the apology. It's nice when conversations about these topics, especially when it comes to confronting one's own prejudices, can be respectful rather than everyone jumping down each other's throats.


If he looks like a man (he really does!), talks like a man, walks like a man...then he's a man!

One item of inquiry; does he still have his tallywacker? He must have enjoyed his "appendage" in the past when he sired six of his ten kids!


the one thing i hated in the debate, even in a debate no one is going to take him seriously.
You could tell she was not ready to deal with this.
