MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Horror fans,what was the first horror yo...



It was either The Changeling or Creature From the Black Lagoon, both on TV when I was 6 or 7. I remember an independent TV station did a promotion where you had to get 3D glasses from a convenience store so everyone in town could watch a special TV event of Creature in 3D, and we got together with friends at my house, and this one girl got scared and ran all the way home in the middle of the movie. She was a drama queen who took off running and went home during the 4th of July fireworks though. I remember not being scared by Creature, but very scared by the EVPs in The Changeling. That one had me sleeping with the covers over my head because I didn't want to hear a ghost whining.


Chicago, horrid film


The movies never quite stack up to real life. How about having a moron for the head of a family who is so radioactive in the community nobody wants anything to do with said family (not mine by the way but people I am familiar with). A movie you can get over in a few days or weeks but when it is real life the emotional distress lasts much longer. Imagine the poor women who were held by the nut in Cleveland for ten years.


The first horror movie I ever saw was Goosebumps Werewolf Skins parts 1 & 2.


Probably Frankenstein on late-night Tv when I was a kid


It depends. I was a little kid in the 70's, I was in middle school and high school in the 80's. I used to see old horror reruns as a kid, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, Frankenstein, Killer Bee Movies and Tarantulas, giant ants and stuff.

The first rated R horror film I saw was Friday the 13th. I was about 12. It was playing at a neighbors house and his big sister had about 15 teenagers over watching it in the dark and all the girls would scream whenever there was a death. I'd never seen bloody mutilations and axes chopped through heads and stuff like that before. It unnerved me a little.


Creature from the Black Lagoon, with the first horror in a theater being Night of the Living Dead.



OT: I've noticed more than a few of us old school folks here on MovieChat, Dazed, who mention the really old stuff (?).

It's made me wonder if the behavior we encountered on the Other Site kinda sorta drove us here.

I can't speak for all of us older users, but the 15-20 other sites offered before IMDb closed the msg boards were too busy in looks; nor were they 'user-friendly', and I didn't make any accts on them.

As an old-as-dirt user in regards to, I personally like the less cluttered, yet Not overly simplistic, format, along with not having the over abundance of 'behavior' issues like the other had. I like more calm in my older age, and leave the other aside for others. Don't get me wrong though, this older knows how to give it back when it's necessary..I just choose my battles wisely, unlike so many nowadays who jump in at every little squimish.



I am ancient, so the first horror I saw was THEM - about 1954. It certainly whetted my appetite for horror and sci fi. Guess I've seen just about every horror film ever made !! Sci fi too. What a great way to remember your life! LOL


LOL, I don't consider any of us ancient, but I know what ya mean. When anyone asks me how old I am, it's always old-as-dirt first, then my true age. LOL

I've saw this sometime in the 60s though.

