MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is this the best IMDb alternative?

Is this the best IMDb alternative?

Is it?


Lots of potential. but some people are trying to ruin it. I feel they are hired by the rivals


Stay away from Betty who runs imdb2 and you'll be fine. Yes it is.


lol yes


She is trying to ruin this site using her socks too.


I thought she was lying to cause trouble. Who are they?


One of her socks is posting right now. lol. I wish i could PM you. This user is trying to become a moderator here


Sorta. It has archived film boards and SOME people boards, it's semi active, but it still gives me random and unflinching 403 errors a lot. IMDB Archive seems to be offline as of yesterday, so where else is a guy supposed to go? *shrug*


403? WEIRD


Sometimes, the page loads, sometimes, it wont. I've cleared cache, cookies, switched browsers, used proxies... still 403 errors. Even in trying to post THIS reply, I've gotten said error and had to switch browsers.


IP banned? Wait, are you from imdbarchive?


Yeah, I've spoken to the guy a few times, so what? Am I really going to get my IP banned for using another message board? Had to switch browsers again just to reply...


No i have no problems with you posting here. Why should I? Everyone is free to post here and should be.



I've been here almost a month and have never gotten a single error message. Haven't had any problems....


Same here. Site was down a couple of times due to updates, and after one update it was a bug with double search boxes that was fixed shortly after. Other than that it's been flawless since beginning.


Likewise for me. The very first time I tried to come here, I got some kind of message that made me wonder if the site were still in existence or not. Luckily, I tried again later that day, and discovered it was only down for an hour or two for updating.

Ever since then it's only been down a couple of times, and the message is very clear now that the site's only down for a bit, due to updating.


Well, up until yesterday, I would have said yes, without any question. Now I'm not so sure, sorry to say. I still have some hope it'll turn out to be just that.

Only time will tell.


No one cares about your opinions. You will be here with your other socks. You have been stalking me for a while. You arent fooling anyone


I for one do care about her (?) opinions.

Really hope Jim takes some action against you soon Ben. Getting sick of checking new posts in threads only to see you and your other accounts trolling on. At least I have done my part and reported you on multiple offensive posts you have made here the last hours. Hope he gets all your aliases when he bans you.


You are Catbookss sock. That user is stalking me for days and days and even posted my email here. I hope you and your socks get banned.


Thanks, Mahrez.

I hope he does too, and sooner than later. I'm not only sick of checking new posts in threads only to see Ben or one of his socks trolling, but I got 70 email notifications and 95% of them were from Ben And His Socks. Doesn't matter now, as I've set my preferences to auto-delete them, but I still sometimes click into a thread, only to see the new post was more tripe written by our friend. I laugh and back out, but it's time for action on Jim's part. And/or whomever he selects as mods.

This has been going on for long enough now. Time to pull the plug on good ol' Ben and his footwear.


The others have no Chance

This is also Most famous for europeans
