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Is anyone here familiar with this site?

It seems to be similar to this one in that it both features archived IMDb posts and allows new posts. I'm wondering if it is run by the (allegedly untrustworthy) same people that run IMDb2, or by someone else.


its possible.




IMDb2 is a dead horse. It has no individual boards for movies, tv shows, actors, actresses, directors, etc.


looks like the archive is complete there!
and imdb looks like it never ended the boards becuz of the chrome extention!


The archive there is far from complete. While it doesn't have the 9-reply limit that currently exists on this site, there are many boards that are completely missing. Quite a few of the titles that I've searched for there can't be found.


o ok thats disappointing.
i searched 1 and it was there,while it wasnt here.
what do you mean with 9-reply limit?whats that?


Currently, here at MovieChat, only the first nine replies from each archived IMDb thread are present. That's because IMDb's default page view was limited to ten posts on each page (which meant the OP plus nine replies on the first page) and MovieChat's archived threads only archived the first page of each thread. Thus, the versions of multi-page threads that are archived here only feature the posts from the first page and are missing the rest. I believe that Jim is working on remedying this.


o i didnt know that so much was missing!
yes lets hope he can fix it.
meanwhile i can just use this and the other sites messageboard script on imdb.
i'm allready very glad that alot is there. we should all be very happy allready.
and now lets just hope for alot of replies everywhere as time goes by.


Indeed! Let's hope he's successful in this endeavour.

It was disappointing to find all the IMDB posts from 2006 onwards were missing from my favourite TV programme thread.


Just checked it out and between it and the torrent it's great how many posts have survived! Possibly a combination of these sources can preserve all remaining posts from IMDb! Once Jim has fixed the 9-post problem and missing posts can be added from other sources it seems that such a site may prove redundant, though. The person who made it did a good thing and might perhaps like some position here if a rewarding one can be arranged. Good work.


Hear, hear !


I'm a member there as well and like the site. I immediately checked through the archives of my favorite shows upon finding out about this site, and was amazed to see that most of them made it. A few were missing, but it's a pretty complete site.

I also installed the Chrome extension for IMDB, even though I rarely use Chrome or IMDB, and gave it a try. I gotta admit, it was pretty darn cool when I went to IMDB, scrolled to the bottom, and lo and behold, there were the message boards 😀


Here is another full archive:

Read somewhere the actors boards are being added soon but they don't have the general chat forums.


This site is an interesting hybrid. It uploaded the movie database from TMDB, but for discussion boards it acts like a middle man and links to Imdbarchive (which means that most of the recent threads are 3 weeks old).

Linking to imdbarchive must be something new because until recently Onemovieavenue used to redirect to IMDB2 boards. (last time I checked something there)




I totally forgot about that torrent when I made a post ;)




We have nothing to do with IA
All the IMDb posts were added by ourselves from the infamous torrent

We've always linked back to IMDB2 for general discussions, sticking to just individual stuff on the site


Ah, that settles it.


can confirm onemovieavenue is its own thing. guy/girl who made it seems like an honest person and the site looks very nice. imdbarchive guy is pretty swell too.


I love what you did with your site :) But I often get errors when I visit there.


thanks. but if you love someone, you have to love their flaws too. that means you love the errors. there shouldn't be that many though. most likely any errors your received occurred during site updates.



No I didn't, thanks for mentioning it.

What bugs me is there are all these IMDB clone sites popping up, taking posts from IMDB without consent. I think there must be some sort of law being broken here.


There is another archive but it is 50 GB per file!


Did IMDB have copyright protection of every post every IMDB user made? If they don't have copyright protection on all of that then I don't think any laws are being broken... I don't know anything about this stuff but lots of films get unofficial releases because the film makers don't own it... didn't protect it.

"Fair use"

Like I say I don't really know shit on this but I do find it interesting now what could happen. Basically quoting a message on IMDB doesn't equal piracy, just in my opinion... Its not like the clones are saying they are affiliated with imdb.

In a few months we will all know :D

Great to have archives! Unless of course you was trolling and made stupid comments... not you personally & I don't troll but made plenty of stupid comments on IMDB in the past :D


I really wondered about the copyright issue, too, so I did a lot of research on it. It can be found here:

IMDb Message Board Archives: Are They Legal?

I know it's a really long article, so I'm currently editing it for length, but it does cover a lot of the issues. I also have reviews of IMDb replacements on that site.



Thanks for the links.


You're welcome. Hope you found them useful.



Just for interest, I went to IMDBArchive, and checked out the board for The Walking Dead. There are 110 pages of trolling, covering only a few weeks!!!! Those guys and gals are now loose on the internet!! There are many at TMDB, so I guess you will have your share here. Just sayin'
