MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Where do you live ?

Where do you live ?

And does your location influence what you watch ?


London UK

I guess having some great cinemas showing golden oldies gives me a good interest in classics and cut films. I am a member of the Prince Charles Cinema which will be showing LaLa Land this week, amongst other other recent releases, but recently had Die Hard in 35 mm, Hear No evil See No Evil, The Room, and Singalongs Grease, etc. Brilliant variety, some great cinema experiences. Never laughed so much in a crowded cinema than with Blazing Saddles a few months ago, and they had a tribute to Gene Wilder before which led to many tears too.

The BFI too which also shows classics, saw Taxi Driver on the big screen for the first time recently (seen many times on TV), awesome.

Tricycle Cinema in Kilburn is another decent semi indie with some special presentations, as is the Phoenix in East Finchley

Great choices, can usually find something of interest.

Film choice wise, I just love a comedy really, always find it a bit sad to see many great comedies have low ratings on Imdb (seems they are rarely rated above 6.5), don't know if that is a Brit thing, and I find American comedies can in the most part be awful, but when they are good they are fantastic (Saddles, Naked Gun, The Jerk)


I live in a Michigan suburb of Detroit. So I get to watch Canadian networks. They seem to have a lot of tv shows out England. Heartbeat is one of my favorites. Along with The Royal. TVOntario network is a big influence on what I watch.


I was born and raised in California and I now reside in Kentucky. I am definitely sure the place, where I currently live, has any influence over what I watch. I have never seen the t.v. series Nashville nor do I like movies with country type themes. I find myself into comedies or amateur movies. To date, the two movies I really like are Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle and The Hangover. Yeah, that should tell you a thing or two about me.


WOW, talk about culture shock!!


Actually, I adapted pretty well. I am not sure where the culture shock is suppose to set in. The only problems I have had are with females here. Unless a gal is from out of state, I am avoided by every female here. LOL!!


Keep your conversation monosyllabic!! I have such a Southern bias!


Oh yeah and I know what you mean by that. If they do not know you, chances are conversations are kept very short. OMG!!! I am too flamboyant and I am thinking people think I am a bit too weird. Ah well, their loss.


I live in New Zealand. And it has no bearing whatsoever I what I like to watch. Always been sci fi and horror fan. -- Although that's definitely not all I like !!


Whats a good tv show to watch from New Zealand NZer ?


I love The Walking Dead. We are right up to date with it - just a few hours behind the US. We have a lot of so-called reality shows- made here and in Aussie. Most are crap. Get good English dramas, like Broadchurch. Doctor Who of course. Big Bang Theory - lots of American sit-coms. I think our TV is not much different to US or UK. Can't get UK quiz shows like 8 out of 10 cats does Countdown etc, but I watch them on youtube. I was born in England - came out to NZ in early 1950's with my parents.


I got to watch a show I believe was called East West 101 out of Canada. I think it is an Aussie show. Is it still on? I liked it.


Sorry, I've haven't heard of that show. Australia and NZ do make some brilliant films though. Getting better all the time. One of my favourite NZ films is The Quiet Earth (scifi of course), but there are plenty. Just finished The Hunt For the Wilderpeople. Wonderfully funny and moving too. Too many to mention, actually - Whalerider; Once were Warriors; The Dark Horse etc etc etc . I love films - the weirder the better.


I was going to Mention The Quiet Earth. One of my favorite movies. I also enjoyed The Bridge To Nowhere.


What I find interesting is that the U.S. is a HUGE producer of movies. In fact, Hollywood is the entertainment capital of the world. Ironically, because of California tax rates, movies and shows are being shot elsewhere. There have been quite a few movies and shows shot in places like New Zealand and Australia. I think the next biggest movie producer is Bollywood, followed by the UK. So really, everyone ends up becoming American because of the shows they watch.


Lot of shows and movies are shot in Canada too.


I was getting to that, but I did not see anyone writing about Canada on here.


Canada is about 8 or 9 miles from me. Just across the Detroit River. Will be moving to a new home in the area soon. I will then get the best tv antenna I can find and set up 1 tv for Canadian viewing.


Lucky. The only thing I fear about other continents and countries is not being able to watch American College Football. That and using new toilets or showers with just a hand held shower head. OMG!!!

In Switzerland, I was kind of wondering how on earth I was suppose to take a shower or in how in some countries, the toilets were just flat on the ground. O_O

You take away American College Football and what else is there?




Thanks to everyone who has replied to this thread. I enjoy talking to people all over this planet.


I wouldn't say the media I select is greatly impacted by my location anymore since I get most of the media from the internet now. I just peruse "the sites" and keep my ears open for chatter online about good shows.


In a small country from eastern europe called Romania.
I'm a resident evil movie franchise and MILLA jovovich fan



WOW So many from countries outside of the United States. I'm in Tennessee.

I don't think so.


Hey, neighbor! Tennessee here, too.

Not typically. I did force myself to watch a particularly bad horror movie once though because it was filmed here.


kaleidoscope0_0 I think is from Tennessee too


I'm from Finland. It has no influence to what I watch. I like pretty much every genre, but sci-fi, war and indie dramedies are my favourite.
