MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > UPDATE: Trending Section

UPDATE: Trending Section

There's a new "Trending" section at the top of the home page. This will list the movies, tv shows and actors that have the most recent activity. This should help people see what others are talking about and generate more activity in the individual boards.

Also, if you haven't already seen it, I added edit/delete functionality earlier today.

Notifications are on the way :)


Well, well. Look who decided to make their name standout after all :)


You sir are a swetheart! Thank you, jim. Now, where's the UP button?






Wow. I didn't even think of this as a feature, but it's amazing! Thanks, Jim!


Jim, thank you! You are amazing and we praise you.

I have an imrovement suggestion hopefully some of the admins will read:
The trending section works as a "last posted"-section. It would be cool it this was renamed to "last posted", and implement a "trending section" which shows what movies/series has been most commented on for the past 24hours/48hours/week or some similar time frame.





Correct, but this existing treding section is more a "last posted" section, as it shows which movies/series was latest posted on, not specifically trending in that sense.

Thanks 9!


Ok thanx for splaining


I like this idea.

But I did notice a small bug. The Emerald City boards show up at around 10 minutes ago, but when I went to check, the last post was 3 hours ago... I didn't see any deleted posts either, but would that affect it?


Came here to say the exact same thing.


Oh that's strange. I just checked Emerald City and then it says the last post was 9 hours ago, not 3. So yeah, a strange bug.



Could be because of a deleted post. When you delete an original post, the post vanishes entirely (so you don't see [deleted]), whereas when you delete a reply it will say [deleted]. I'll look into it more, but off the top of my head I believe that's what happened.


I noticed Emerald City popping up on the Trending section several times today, at least 5 times, without there being a recent post. Unless someone created and deleted a thread this many times there's something there. Haven't seen this happen to other titles




Agree. And thanks, Jim, for looking into this!



It's giving me a headache!!!


That's a really good distinction, moriarty_m, and I would agree with renaming it something along the lines of "Last Posted" or "Latest Posts."

Although I like the thought of possibly having a separate trending section eventually, I wonder if it would be confusing at first glance, with people wondering, "what's the difference between Last Posted and Trending?" And it might clutter the main page with too much imagery. I really like that right now it's showing the latest activity on any and all of the individual movie/show/actor boards rather than the most commented on for the past 24 hours/week/etc. because, just personally, I think it's the emphasis on comprehensiveness rather than trends that will ultimately drive the content quality or appeal of this site. At least, that's what I loved IMDb for.

Also, I imagine that what's trending is not going to change all that much. Eventually, it will likely be the latest movies and most popular TV shows at the moment. It won't be surprising, whereas with Latest Posts it's much easier to see a variety and be pleasantly surprised or intrigued!

Glad you raised this distinction. :)




Good to know. That will be one MAJOR accomplishment that should link all individuals together. If it were not for notifications, I would wonder how anyone would know who replied to them.


Can I suggest another update?

In the absence of IMDb's filmographies and film credits, it would be great if the individual boards had clickable links to the individual boards of related people and/or movies. For example, the "La La Land" board would have links to the boards for Emma Stone, Ryan Gosling, and Damien Chazelle.

This suggestion is probably very labor intensive, but it would increase activity in the individual boards.


That's actually a pretty neat idea! It would be this cycle of motivating people to keep going to different boards and engaging with them increasing the activity. I think the trending section has already done a good job of doing that, so we know when we see a visual demonstrating the user-ship it helps and gives it a boost.

This would sort of be like that, but on a much more, like you said, individual scale. Linking up associations could just allow us to sort of bounce around to a variety of boards as we pleased. Neat thought!


