MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > OMG, they're gone!

OMG, they're gone!

The boards on IMDB... there's nothing anymore, i just looked...
Wow! I just feel weird, like i just lost a very good friend.


<< When I first heard the news that IMDb would shut down their message boards, it felt like I had just received an eviction notice...Now that they're shut down for good, I'm like a homeless vagrant wandering about aimlessly. >>

I have that weird feeling, too. And because the boards closed prematurely (!) it's like we all came home to find the LOCKS CHANGED!! I am poking around my old favorite movie/performer boards here, looking for survivors...


I remember you'd see a post about an older show or movie and there would actually be a response from a lesser star of the show. All that's gone now! People would give tidbits about the actor, saying that they saw them a while back or went to school with them. I will miss that and it's all gone. Very bummed!


And now everyone understands the theory of TIME ZONES, and how 12:00 midnight where you are sitting may NOT be the same all over the world!!!!


While I had a feeling the boards were going to close earlier than many of us thought (for us in North America anyway), I was expecting them to still be up there at this time, so I didn't get a final look at the boards. Damn! It definitely feels weird not seeing them anymore.


IMDb might have had its reasons for closing the forums, but shutting them down early was a nasty thing to do to its loyal supporters.

One thing we can do as payback is to "Like" MovieChat's Facebook page, and get this site trending. If it gets popular enough, maybe it can gradually offer more and more features of IMDb, and we'll win in the end!


I just logged in, figuring that as it's not even midnight where I live I may as well take one last look...and there was nothing there. First time in sixteen years. Sad.


I'm absolutely livid they shut the boards down hours before they were supposed to. I had some replies from people whose opinions I value, but they were gone before I could read them. I was a member for 13 years, and I feel sickened by IMDb's blatant disrespect for our needs. Many people had developed virtual friendships on those boards. I'm so sick of everything being destroyed because a bunch of rude, selfish idiots feel the need to troll. Thanks to the creators of this site for trying to create a silver lining to a heinous act.


Unfortunately, one of those trolls has just arrived here. Nasty as they come.
