MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > OMG, they're gone!

OMG, they're gone!

The boards on IMDB... there's nothing anymore, i just looked...
Wow! I just feel weird, like i just lost a very good friend.





This was to save money and to stop trashing bad movies. It went downhill once Amazon bought it. I'll miss the boards, and hope for alternatives, but IMDB will fade away without the input of its visitors. Amazon/IMDb care nothing about the 'fans' - only their shareholders/backers/buddies. Visiting IMDb now is a hollow incomplete experience, no different to Wikipedia.


I hope they will loose visitors now.

For movie news i always went for COMING SOON.

For trivia..i went to Wikipedia.

I only visited imdb cos of the boards


I have been a member of IMDb for 17 years, and a Top Contributor for 13 of them. The loss of any sense of community, and just making contributions for some faceless corporate types has rather a bitter taste at the moment. So don't really feel like contributing much now, and will have to find a new hobby for my hours online. Maybe start writing or something.

Hopefully a success can be made of this place, and the extra time freed up with allow for making friends through here too. Best wishes.

reply is one of my favourite websites but closing their message boards has robbed me of a nice past-time and a means to engage with others on shared interest in media and narratives.

I think this is a very interesting comment by IMDb:

"The IMDb message boards were disabled on February 20, 2017. This included the Private Message system. IMDb is passionately committed to providing innovative ways for our hundreds of millions of users to engage and communicate with one another. We will continue to enhance our current offerings and launch new features in 2017 and beyond that will help our customers communicate and express themselves in meaningful ways while leveraging emerging technologies and opportunities." [Source: ]

If I could point out a salient feature common to all corporatised organisations which illustrates the core failing in IMDb's assumptions and objectives: The propensity to describe their users as "customers" and if by describing us as such they then must consequently think of as us as being mainly customers. Ask yourself what the role of being a customer is ultimately in the eyes of business: it is to be a resource to extract revenue from in order to create business profit. I am a human individual not a factor in their business aims or a number on a balance sheet of a database - I do not use IMDb as a customer seeking to purchase access or things to consume. I might be consuming information by visiting a website, but I'm not engaging in a transaction for commercial reasons. All this shows is the corporate world imposing their ideology on people who only wish to use a website in an informal way for non-business activities and personal interest.

I think we'll now have a chance to interact in a more honest and respectful environment on this website.



It wasn't the trolls (although it does seem that anyone with a contrarian opinion is now deemed to be one). That's just the spun rationale. Serious movie discussions quickly put them in their place and their impact dissipated very quickly. I would imagine the real reason is cost or should I say revenue. Amazon has plans for IMDB that likely involve better promotion, marketing and sale of movie product, that will only become apparent after the demise of the boards - popular ratings will be next to go. Movie makers are very concerned about public opinion forming before the marketing machine has done its work. Not eh gag orders now being imposed when attending a sneak peak.
IMDB represents a significant underutilised asset and its boards serve a social/community purpose that was affecting commercial interests. If trolls were the real objection why not introduce a nominal charge that would discourage the unworthy and improve the quality of discussion. No, there are bigger plans underway here. But let's replace that discussion here.
