MovieChat Forums > Politics > 80% of American voters support Israel, I...

80% of American voters support Israel, Israel should completely destroy Hamas.

4 in 5 Americans support Israel over Hamas in Gaza war: Poll
71% believe the war in Gaza is created mostly by Hamas, not Israel.

So, why, by far, is most of what we see in the media these massive protests by mobs of out of control ignorant people?


Most of those mobs of "ignorant people" are Soros funded protesters/rioters.


Who pays attention to that crap network?

"Although executive shakeouts are common at startup operations, media industry veterans in Chicago believed the exodus at NewsNation was prompted by editorial interference from upper management and concerns that the channel would lean more to the political right and away from its stated mandate to be unbiased."


It's network they are polling it is a random sample of people, that is how polls works.


But there are good polls and bad polls. This is a bad poll. That's why it's not being generally reported, only on "News Nation." Have you ever heard of them before?


Look around, there are other polls that show similar.


Name one, please.


If you've read my comment here before, I don't do errand for trolls. It is widely accepted that the majority of Americans support Israel.


"It is widely accepted." Oh brother, how many weasels does it take to carry a factoid? Lol.


much as I'm on your side re the actual conflict he's right
the poll is saying "the majority of Americans support Israel." and that is probably correct.
The poll is in no way suggesting or proving that Israel are righteous or innocent - just what a bunch of uninformed people think.

Also I disagree with your statement .
"It doesn't take much political knowledge to know who is the aggressor here."

To know who is the aggressor here you have to know the minutia of history of the region going back centuries,


So you support terrorists and can't believe you're not in the majority?


Also it still doesn't explain why there are so many protestors against Israel who don't have the slightest idea what or why they are protesting.


It doesn't take much political knowledge to know who is the aggressor here.


Appaprently it does, and referring to the "aggressor" which it doesn't make a bit of difference who you call the aggressor shows your BS partisanship.


Re: "doesn't make a bit of difference who you call the aggressor." Do you live in la-la land? Wake up!


I dont think the average American has anywhere near enough knowledge of the history of that situation to make any sort of accurate judgement .
So all the poll is showing is the tide of opinion of the uninformed , which is still important.


Fake Jew drivel!! Propeganda. Nobody likes Israel.


Because we have jobs and have no business on a college campus. Nor am I going to protest something going on across the Atlantic. We have enough of our own shit going on. Only college students are that stupid, which is ironic.


The jews control our country, we are their cucked dumb muscle...


I 100% support Israel and their quest to destroy the terrorists.


Says the jew run media...
