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Latest Trump lies

Heres the list of disproven lies from Jersey rally

too long to write down obvs

Its just comical when you listen to to it , just a stream of pure bullshit.
He cant stop - he knows thats what the devoted come to hear.
Who would show up at his rallys to cheer how great he is without the bullshit ?
Thats why reality can never go back , never be wrong


wait, now youtube real news? last week it was fake news. lol


youtube is just a medium of transmission.
same as tv radio newspapers.


I know, but when I post links to youtube, its fake news. when I post links to twitter, its fake news. which is weird.


"Only My Sources Are Real"


First "lie" is that the dems rigged the 2020 election.

Sorry buddy. The laptop coverup, right there, with the cia and the fbi running a joint operation AGAINST the American people, right there, that justifies the use of the word "rigged".

I assume the rest of the list is just as much gaslighting from the Leftards.


Yeap. The entire list is a TDS rant of gaslighting by a hyper-partisan leftoid source.


You read it all? I stopped after the first idiotic claim.


Yeap, it wasn't that long, it lasted just over two minutes (2:25).
Trump was right about the entire list except one item that I couldn't verify.


About what I would expect.


tvfan verified all the lies Amazing!
what I liked about the list is there are actual numbers in most cases like "Trump said x , reality is Y"
the first one (election) no nubers and we've been over it a million times , and not a single republican will admit the reality . weird .

But these really specific ones interest me :
Trump: "Won carolina by 40 or 50 points" reality "no" surely this is a matter of public record that can be easily verified?
Trump: "Inflation under Biden 50% " , reality 20%
Trump: "Price of bacon under Biden up 79%" , reality 13%
Trump: "N Jersey has highest electricity costs in country ", reality - not even close
Trump: "CA gas prices $7.21" , reality: CA avg $5.26
Trump: "48,000 soldiers in Korea" , reality 28k
Trump: "Korea paid nothing for this military presence" , Reality $800m per year
etc, etc ,etc
it goes on and on with actual numbers that can be verified anywhere


I gave you the respect of reading the first claim and addressed it seriously and honesthy.

If you want to defend that claim, you can do so. I will address your point.

I'm not interesting in a gish gallop logical fallacy nonsense.


"Democrats rigged 2020 election"
Thats the one you want to address?
well I would say
1)No proof has ever been found
2)Everyone in the *world* accepts there is no basis for that idea, except Trump fans

But like I said that has been discussed endlessly here and no progress at all.
Why not address one of the easy ones - like how many US soldiers are based in Korea?


Except that the laptop coverup kept important information away from the votes.

Indeed, the media and partisan hacks were provided with ample "evidence" that any reasonable person would conclude that the story was false.

BUT, it wasn't false. It was true. The voters were purposefully given disinformation by biden partisans in the government to control the election.


This is why there won't be any debates. He's at least smart enough to know how stupid he is.


What debate? Trump vs CNN? Again.


Unlike FOX, CNN doesn't want any giant lawsuits due to broadcasting Trumps lies.


The lawsuit was an internal payoff. The proof = FOX called the election.


Link for that bombshell please, but NOT from FOX , Newsmax ot that other thing


It's not a secret, different sources admit it. lol

Try searching what I stated after the equal sign.


What do you reckon he even means by
"The lawsuit was an internal payoff. The proof = FOX called the election." ?


I have no idea, maybe he should ask Tucker Carlson what happened with all the lying


Trump attended every debate in 2016 and 2020... Biden actually bailed out of a debate in 2020.

Your post has no basis.


Wow, his cult loves the lying but karma is coming home in November


its going to be funny when Trump wins, unless the election is stolen again.


When he loses, do you think they'll be another Capital insurrection like 2020?


You mean another Fedsurrection?


I still find it hard to label it an insurrection when people arrive with no weapons or hidden explosives. I mean these people were really terrible at throwing an insurrection party.


You have strict criteria! It is mandatory that insurrection explosives are hidden? ;)

The criteria for me is
- the aim of the gathering
- the breaking into gov building
- the fact that the "thing" was even arranged at all . This is really weird to me, and this is why Trump is responsible for the whole thing. This wasnt a "campaign rally" you dont have one of those when you have just lost an election and its 4 years until the next one so wtf was it ?
To me it was a "I want to ignore the vote and stay in power" "rally"


explain how its a cult.


Because none of the members can see that 99% of what comes out his mouth is pure bullshit, or are happy to go along with the lies because their prejudices match his. Bloody immigrants! all rapists and murderers from insane asylums that african governments have sent over.

Hence this thread - a link to a catalogue of bullshit from just one "rally" , no one has addressed any of the points raised because that might shatter their suspension of disbelief and bring them back to reality , best just to call it fake news and move on.
