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Republicans are obstructionists

They won't pass a bipartisan border bill after they asked for it to support Ukraine aid and now they want to obstruct aid to Ukraine without a border bill. Meanwhile they have nothing constructive to pass from the House instead deciding to go on a two week recess with Ukraine and our border hanging in the balance.

Republicans should just change their party name to the Obstructionist party of America.


Stop putting democrat pork in bills?

Make a bill that actually solves the problem?

Perhaps enforce the laws already on the books?


Republicans already did but they let Trump dictate whether a bill can pass. Speaker Johnson should stop listening to Donald and start listening to the citizens of this country who want national security asap.


Close the border now, figure it out later...


You can't just close the border with our largest trading partners.


That bill had nothing to do with closing the border now or any time soon.

If it had passed, it would have made it difficult for Trump to actually close the border due to the legal ramifications that bill would have caused.


To actually shut down the border would trigger lawsuits but they might as well do it & see where the chips fall since the Mexican cartels are sending in more migrants everyday unabated.


You seem well educated in the intricacies of this latest “border” bill.

Can you clarify for “Republican obstructionists” how much taxpayer dollars will be allocated for…

The US Border protection
Ukrainian Border protection
Israeli Border protection


You're missing the point. It was a BIPARTISAN bill that was said to be the toughest border deal ever agreed upon but was nixed only because Trump said nay & Speaker Johnson caved..


You seem well educated in the intricacies of this latest “border” bill.

Can you clarify for “Republican obstructionists” how much taxpayer dollars will be allocated for…

The US Border protection
Ukrainian Border protection
Israeli Border protection


A Bipartisan bill by the Uniparty NeoCons.

That bill was to continue funding the two wars and nothing to do with "actually" closing the border since they would never have met the daily quota to close the border and would later have been almost impossible for Trump to close the border due to the legal issues it would have caused.


The chicken-shit Senate Republicans have joined Democrats in serving up NINETY-FIVE BILLION DOLLARS in "aid" for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan and not one DIME to protect our border and national security of our own country. 34 trillion in debt and still tossing money around like its nothing, billions at a time..

The bill is also designed to hamstring Trump (should he win the election). The money will flow through September 2025, eliminating a key bargaining chip to force Z to the negotiation table.

I'm tired of this debt creation machine.
