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Genocide Hearing Against Israel in International Court of Justice - ISRAEL TESTIFYING NOW link

Live Feed ISRAEL TESTIFYING (when posted):

Recorded video 1st day:


The South African testimony included video and interviews of Israelis talking about killing all Gazans and describing them as less than human.

The Israeli testimony has a boring barrister discussing procedure and is boring the B-Jesus out of everyone. The chat comments are a hoot.


The YT-Link leads to
South Africa presents its case against Israel at the ICJ

But "Genocide Hearing Against Israel" sounds much better for the Hamas Liebchen. 🙄​


Stakes high as South Africa brings claim of genocidal intent against Israel
Patrick Wintour
Diplomatic editor
Israel’s decision to defend itself at the international court of justice will make it harder for it to brush aside any adverse finding

Thu 4 Jan 2024 05.00 GMT
South Africa’s request for an interim measure by the international court of justice to prevent Israel from committing acts of potential genocide – primarily by calling for a halt to combat operations – has suddenly taken on an urgency and relevance that seemed implausible a fortnight ago.

Crack legal teams are being assembled, countries are issuing statements in support of South Africa, and Israel has said it will defend itself in court, reversing a decades-old policy of boycotting the UN’s top court and its 15 elected judges.

Hmm I wonder why Israel has a "decades-old policy of boycotting the UN’s top court" ?
because they have been in breach of international law and engaging in oppression , aparthied and even genocide for decades?


Different this time because there is strong condemnation against Israel's recent behavior from allies. I'm curious to hear Israel's defense. South Africa used Israel's own behavior and words against them like Netanyahu quoting "Amalek" and IDF celebrating mass killing of civilians.


You just revealed how weak the claim of genocide really is. So Netanyahu said something about Amalek and the IDF supposedly celebrated the mass killing of civilians. Nothing about the actual acts of war themselves. None of that is actual evidence of genocide. Even you admit that the death of hundreds of thousands of German and Japanese civilians from Allied bombing during World War II wasn't genocide. But now that a small fraction of that have been killed in the current war in Gaza that's suddenly "genocide" because of, um, I'm guessing, intersectionality?


Obviously, you're NOT watching the hearings, therefore you're clueless about all of the submitted genocide evidence and testimony.


So you admit that Netanyahu saying something about Amalek and the IDF supposedly celebrating the mass killing of civilians is NOT actual evidence of genocide. If you admit it's not evidence of genocide then why did you say that South Africa "used" that as evidence of genocide? You just performed a self-own.


What case? What is ISJ?
You're assuming everyone is aware of the hearings and would know an acronym for the court.

My headline gives complete information. You are an amateur. You're also on the wrong side of history for supporting genocide.

God Bless South Africa for trying to stop Israel's ethnic cleansing and genocide against innocent Palestinian civilians.


And now Kee-Liar aka Hamas Liebchen will explain to us what "genocide" is.




The most inhuman story I heard was, some Israeli bombs came and killed a family while the dad was giving a 3 year old his first lesson on how to stone a woman to death



The most inhumane story I heard was Israel bombing a hospital and targeting its emergency electricity in order to kill premature newborn babies in incubators. Their fragile bodies are allowed to rot.

Too many identify with Hitler's tactics and religious-based hatred. You have lost your humanity if you defend genocide against anyone let alone babies.


Is that a real story or one some psychopath made up?

Moronic cretin.


aka: Rustyshacklefurd


No, he's talking about you, stupid. He didn't accuse me of making up a story about Israel bombing a hospital. He accused you of doing that.


aka: BasementBidenFan
aka: Your Sock


You're completely delusional! The only socks I have are on my feet!


You a liar. It's not the first time you do a Anti-Semitic propaganda here on the site. The story you made up is a blood plot by the Palestinians. If there is a group that should stand before a court for attempted genocide, it is the Palestinians. If there is a group that adopted Nazi ideology are the Palestinians.


"On November 9, Israeli airstrikes hit Al-Nasr Medical Center in Gaza City, cutting off the neonatal intensive care unit’s oxygen supply. The attack forced staff to evacuate the next day, leaving babies that could not be transported alone in intensive care, according to Doctors Without Borders. On November 28 during the ceasefire, doctors were able to return and found four babies dead.

The Israeli government should immediately end unlawful attacks on medical facilities and its blockade of Gaza; the collective punishment of 2.2 million people is a war crime."


None of the attacks were in order to kill babies. Hospitals in Gaza have become terrorist bases, hence a legitimate target according to international law. Although I doubt if this even half true. Despite everything, the IDF refrained from bombing the hospitals.

In war there are casualties. That's how it is in wars. Only unlike the Nazis in Gaza, the IDF does not fight to kill civilians. This is exactly your method: adopting any bloody plot against Israel, or taking cases that occur in wars and attributing to Israel a malicious motive.

The fact that the State of Israel supplies fuel and food to the Nazis in Gaza during war is unprecedented in the modern history of wars. And scandalous in my personal opinion. No one, and rightly so, came with claims to the Allies in the war against the Nazis for not helping the Nazi enemy during the war. You won't find a single apartment in Gaza that doesn't have weapons and inciting materials to kill Jews. I been there, I saw it with my own eyes. In some apartments we finds Hitler books Mein Kampf . Surveys conducted in Gaza and Judea and Samaria showed that over 75 percent of the population supports the massacre, and even more of them support Hamas. And we all seen in 7 October how they murder, rape, cut off the heads of babies and burned people alive. The Nazis at least saw the need to hide the crimes, the people in Gaza were proud of the massacre and filmed everything. And by the way, not only Hamas were there, civilians also participated in the massacre, including women and children, just so you understand how serious the anti-Semitic incitement in Gaza is.


Your support for genocide based on propaganda and lies has been duly noted.


Nice dehumanisation.

Much easier to laugh at the slaughter of innocents if you've disregarded them as actual, living breathing human beings in the first place.

I'm assuming you're an American, so you probably had burger juice drooling down the side of your face, as you finger typed furiously away at your keyboard making such a crass comment...


You're such a moron, you hate "burgers" more than you hate a vile religion that brutalises women?

You're proud of that level of retardation you possess and you love to come here and show it off?


I'm afraid it is you who has once again proven yourself to be the moron.

I don't hate burgers at all. I simply used the stereotype of burger munching Americans to lampoon how idiotic your stereotyping, in order to dehumanise people being slaughtered, was.

Unfortunately, you were too stupid to recognise that (even although it should have been patently obvious) and then doubled down on your stereotyping...

"Retardation" indeed 😂


I'm afraid it is you who has once again proven yourself to be the moron.

That's how a "guy" who wrongly assumed me to be American starts off his/her post?


Duh! That's why I said "I'm assuming", given your "BasementBidenFan" handle 🤣...

So you are a non American, calling yourself a "Biden Fan" simply for trolling purposes apparently (er... Just in case, that means "apparently).

Yup, definitely proving yourself NOT to be a moron, one post at a time...


Aren't you the one who says a genocide is going on, but you've claimed to be "crying with tears of laughter" 2x just to me alone, in the last few minutes? And will continue to cry with laughter while all the poor mizzundastood Mussliiims die?


No. I've never said a genocide is going on (although I look forward to proving your lack of understanding / intelligence on this as well).

You literally come out with garbage in Every. Single. Post.

It's really quite something...


Not figuratively?



No you utter cretin, I genuinely believe you take your rubbish out every time you post online 😂...

Actually - Sorry, I don't mean to be rude. You are fully functional yeah?


You're clearly enjoying talking to me more than you enjoy going to a mosque or hanging out with Muslims.

And also, you didnt object to Keelai calling it a genocide did you. It's just another day when another "genius" is spamming me with a million "oh, uh... I never said that!" posts



And also, you didnt object to Keelai calling it a genocide did you...

Hahaha - What an utter halfwit!

I knew (and even said further up I'd look forward to this inevitable garbage) that you'd make some point on this due to you lack of basic intelligence...

To be fair, I thought you'd at least quote me from another thread, but it seems that at your level it's enough not to have objected to someone else's comment to make that your own! (No need to be a "genius" to see the stupidity of this...)

But notwithstanding, that's still irrelevant to your mental failing. The point is, I knew you'd lack the nuance to understand that calling Israel's actions as potentially genocidal, is not the same thing as calling it a genocide - At this stage. The slaughter is still ongoing. Let's see once the dust has settled what we call it.

I suppose during WW2 when the Nazis were rounding up Jews, you'd have been one of those people going around saying "No, no - we can't call this genocidal. There are still thousands of Jews alive in Germany. So please stop describing the Nazis' behaviour as such".

I know another poster on here who'd describe you as a holocaust denier for coming out with such utter garbage.


What nuance are you talking about? Keelai did NOT say that Israel's actions are "potentially genocidal". She specifically said that Israel is committing genocide. She said "God Bless South Africa for trying to stop Israel's ethnic cleansing and genocide against innocent Palestinian civilians." How is South Africa going to stop genocide unless it's already happening? You should actually read Keelai's posts before defending them.

Your comparison of this war to the Holocaust is absolute bullshit. The Holocaust was genocide because most of Europe's Jews were killed. In contrast, 99% of the Palestinians in Gaza are still alive. You'd have a better argument that the Germans were the victims of genocide during and after World War II rather than the Palestinians now. Which makes your claims about Israel's current war in Gaza that much weaker because you deny that what happened to the Germans was genocide.


dont make assumptions. its part of the 4 agreements.


Most interesting to hear israeli counter arguments tomorrow.


So basically Israel, until now :
- presented the attack of Hamas
- doubted underlying reasons of why South Africa would formulate these accusations
- addressed very few of the accusations, focusing only on easily defended facts

Anyway, things concluded, that South Africa did not present:
- Israel started the actual genocide not in october, more like end of november or start of december, when they indeed started to level all of Gaza with the intent of denying palestinians possibility of return, and also started to bomb everything in the south with the intent to force them to either leave or die. Before that I would consider they acted pretty ok for what they suffered. No mass killings like there are now.
At that point everyone could see the actual shift in strategy, from destroying Hamas to destroying palestinians as a nation.
- Israel demonstrated the intent of "3rd party ethnic cleansing" i.e. politicians emphasise that other countries should start ethnically cleansing Gaza by "accepting refugees".
- Israel has some pretty weak lawyers. Shameful actually.
