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What you should know about why Biden and Trump would face off again

The truth is that putting senile old men with personal flaws in a presidential race would be perfect for both sides, so the winning side can exploit those flaws of whoever becomes the President. Both parties are secretly jumping for joy about the very possible fact of Biden and Trump competing against each other again for the presidency.


The DNC is forcing FL democrats off the ballot and Joe is running much for "democracy".

Not even write-ins will be allowed... Insanity!


The only insanity is the fact you believe Trump will be president again. 🤣


Another example of their dictatorship that they call democracy.

Democracy is whatever they say it is and the braindead leftoids believe it.


Trump literally said he would be a dictator on day one if he's reelected. Why do you support Trump? He's facing 91 felony charges mostly for being a traitor. Why are you okay with that? Most Americans aren't.


*Fake charges


Right.. All 91 charges are fake. It's just a secret plan by the Democrats just to make Trump look bad. Your stupidity and gullibility is astounding. What about when Trump said he would be a dictator on day one if he's reelected? Why are you defending Trump?


Jesus, the Left complain about Trump being a fucking dictator, look no further than the Biden Administration


Did you complain equally when the Republicans shut down many primaries in the Republican nomination in 2020?


I would love to see a debate with Biden and Trump. Biden will discuss the things that he's done to help Americans while Trump will just drool and repeatedly say that the 2020 election was stolen, that he is a victim and he's the subject of a witch hunt. 🧙


Over 300 million people and that's the best on offer?


It's really supposed to be a (S)election... that's why they hate Trump so much. He isn't one of them.


Most Americans hate Trump because he's an imbecile. He will never be president again no matter how hard you cry.


Then why such an effort to stop him from running again?
