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White trans mass shooter wanted to kill privileged white children?

Now we have this white guy who wanted to target upper-class/privileged white people to highlight gun control issues. I guess the one black guy got in the way.

"I have decided to make an impact. These people did not deserve to die, but because I was depressed and able to buy (guns?), they are gone. Perhaps this is the impact for change -- upper class white people dying. I certainly would not have been able to do this were it more difficult to get a gun -- just called in, 45 mins, get AR-15," he wrote.


Typical, the Left wants to apply controls against everyone else for what the Left does..


Are you suggesting that the "left" are responsible, in the USA, for most instances of mass gun shootings?


These morons believe that every mass shooter is a Democrat transgender person of color illegal alien.


Just another self hating white leftist.


Wonder how they got that way.


OP, where is your evidence that this shooter was trans?


The bank guy? None, but I never said he was.


"White trans mass shooter wanted to kill privileged white children?"


That one wasn't trans? Thought he/she was.


What "that one"? That school shooting in Nashville? You only link to the bank shooter. Your post gives the impression you're only referring to the bank shooter.


I said "now we have". Meaning a different white mass shooter targeting white privileged people other than the white mass shooter who targeted white privileged children.


now that ive spent 5 minutes doing mental gymnnastics working out which one you say did what thing ....

whats your point?


No real point, I just find it curious. Usually when someone targets someone else due to skin color that someone usually has a different skin color.


Several important questions about this situation have come up:

- why a private school full of white, Christian kids and teacher?
- why did the police hide the manifesto for 6 months?
- why did the news not report much on it?
- what does privilege have to do with it?


The media does love to bury things and not ask questions when it suits them. I'd ask how they became radicalized to view white people how they do. School perhaps? It was the second anniversary of the Waukesha Christmas parade attack. The articles I read on the memorial that took place described what happened as simply a car that sped through a parade. No speculation of motive and I don't think any motive has been given. I think it was an obvious racially motivated attack by a black nationalist. Not planned more opportunistic. A black man says he wants to harm white people then goes and kills 6 and injures dozens more you should be able to at least speculate to a racial motive.


You mean a different story, as the article the OP linked refers to a mass shooting IN A BANK.


