MovieChat Forums > Politics > Oregon says no need for knowledge anymor...

Oregon says no need for knowledge anymore to pass in school.
Oregon has decided to suspend the requirement for high school students to demonstrate competency in reading, writing, and math for at least five more years.

Education officials argue that such requirements disproportionately harm students of color.


It defeats the point of tests and exams. Especially SATs which are required to into college. The officials are basically saying non white students aren't smart enough to pass school.


That site scores extremely high on the far right - misinformation and bias scale
You should be careful what you believe on that site - it'll probly tell ya Biden fixed the 2020 vote and other lies.

Having said that , as a lefty , I totally agree with the sentiments in the article, and believe the content of it on this occasion.
Turning a graduation certificate into a participation certificate does not seem a good idea.


The 2020 election was never officially investigated so how do we know there wasn't any chicanery?

Why did Nancy said that Trump was going to steal the election again?


maybe she meant steal as in "surprise totally proper victory that no one was expecting"


Of course, my bad. Trump said the same thing in 2016 and he was surprised he won too.


I realize the people of Oregon are hopelessly stupid but unfortunately, for Oregon, Americans aren't. This has nothing to do with race. It has to do with schools that in twelve years the students do not acquire basic competency in reading, writing, and math. I realize the racist Democrats want to think blacks are inherently inferior but that's not the case. The schools are failing and not the students.

So what does handing out diplomas to everyone who shows up do for black students? It gives them a diploma that is just as worthless as the ones the other students get.

That's Democrat EQUITY. Isn't that fair and the teachers unions prefer teaching anal sex...


It's this type of think among Democrats that makes America fall behind among the rest of the world in education.


I grew up in a poor part of my country and I can still read and write. What is Oregonians' excuse?


Liberals and antifa.


My leftie mom taught me to read and write long before I got to school. That's kinda almost all she did, but...

(Also natural intelligence comes into it)

You know life sucks in Cuba but the lefties always say "they have a really high literacy rate". Same here for me lol.


So they're down with creating dummies.

What kind of jobs do dummies get? (Well, other than being politicians.)

That sounds like 4D chess racism right there.


one of the comments on reddit about this sory is
"It’s more important that standardized tests have been shown to be racially biased and not predicative of success in college."

I wonder how that happens?
Questions about Barry Manilow?
