MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why are you lefties basing the rest of y...

Why are you lefties basing the rest of your lives around Trump?

They've said that Trump supporters are terrorists and presumably that means intelligence operatives spend all day and night keeping an eye on them.

Also you have the embarrassing people who call themselves "fact checkers" on the left they also have a large focus on Trump's "Truth social" posts and whatnot.

And leftie journalists do the same thing with his social media posts.

But here's the key part: you've said he's an angry overweight 77 year old who "rage-posts" on social media all day.

Presumably that means he'll have a heart attack and die. And also you said his movement was "massively defeated" at the ballot box in 2020 anyway, so why worry anyway? Why not just let him die and get on with your lives as normal? Since his movement was defeated so hard?

If he dies that means you'll all have to do a massive instant career switch and all your work will be worthless. Whether you're a journalist, or a NSA agent, or an amateur wannabe-blogger like all the lame leftie posters here who talk about Trump 24/7.

You guys can't even plan your own lives correctly, but you expect us to listen to your opinions and "wisdom" about things and the world in general?


Why are you TRUMPITES basing the rest of your lives around Trump?

You and other Republicans support the twice impeached 91x indicted anti-American wannabe dictator and conman in the polls as your presidential candidate instead of someone normal.


It took 1 hour for your Exhibit A to show themselves... 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


Its TDS, they have no choice.


Your question should be "Who is making it so liberals look like they are obsessed with Trump and do not care about universal healthcare anymore?". It is weird that there are not any real liberals who go out in public and admit that the people who control the "democrat" narrative in the news media are psychopaths who work for the wealthy psychopaths.


Because it's a cover for what their agenda is and Trump is an easy target to scapegoat due to his inflated ego and self-centeredness.


Trump exposed and revealed their true nature.




If they didn't cheat and expose the system trump would have won with the 74 million votes and he'd be just about done with his second term. They'd be able to blame the coming collapse on him and say capitalism failed, and Desantis would be running and he'd be easily beat. Problem they have now is everything is falling apart right before the next election and it's all on the establishments watch.
