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Biden vs. Trump again will make America lose faith

Why would anyone in thier right mind wants to vote for these old senile fools? There should be age or mental restrictions.


I lost faith in 2000...

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Statistically the country should be begging for the numbers trumps produced.
Gas prices
Stock market
Job market

Do you vote for historic border crossing numbers under Biden or low numbers under trump?


If you wanna look at it that simplistically then surely Trump produced covid19.


No trump ordered project warp speed that fast tracked the vaccine you took.

Literally one candidate is a clear failure.
And very bad failure....

The other candidate gave Americans 3.75 very good years.

Americans should be praying for the numbers trump produced.
But Americans voting methods are messed up.


you cant change stuff in that small a time

Trump was riding Obamas coat tails
Biden is dealing with the Trump mess


What faith, if any, they have left in the Greed Over People party will be obliterated.


"Greed Over People"? Wow what are you 5?

How did Hunter Biden smoking crack "help the people", little 5 year old dweeb?


Faith in what?

They already know Trump was cheated out of a second term you wet little dork. What "faith" do they have left?

Do you know what year it is?


Is what you are saying that it is impossible to not have faith in both at the same time? I have to root for one and not the other?


List the pros and cons of each side and its not that difficult.


yes , USA seems to treat the presidency as some kind of lifetime achievement award for old politicians or actors.


Trump is quite old, but he seems to be pretty with it, mentally speaking.

Biden? Yeah, not sure what that is about. You would have to ask teh dem party bosses.
