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Pro-ivermectin social influencer dies from side effects of taking ivermectin

Keep poisoning yourselves, MAGA.


Just before 7 am on March 3, Danny Lemoi posted an update in his hugely popular pro-ivermectin Telegram group, Dirt Road Discussions: “HAPPY FRIDAY ALL YOU POISONOUS HORSE PASTE EATING SURVIVORS !!!”

Hours later, Lemoi was dead.

For the last decade, Lemoi had taken a daily dose of veterinary ivermectin, a dewormer designed to be used on large animals like horses and cows. In 2021, as ivermectin became a popular alternative COVID-19 treatment among anti-vaxxers, he launched what became one of the largest Telegram channels dedicated to promoting the use of it, including instructions on how to administer ivermectin to children.

But despite Lemoi’s death, the administrators of his channel are pushing his misinformation—even as his followers share their own worrying possible side effects from taking ivermectin and some question the safety of the drug.

Lemoi, a heavy equipment operator who lived in Foster, Rhode Island, “passed away unexpectedly” on March 3, according to an online obituary post by his family last week. He was survived by his parents and brother. The obituary gave no details about the cause of his death.

In the Telegram channel, administrators broke the news of his death to his followers. “Though it was obvious that Danny had the biggest heart, it was unbeknownst to him that his heart was quite literally overworking and overgrowing beyond its capacity, nearly doubled in size from what it should have been,” the admins wrote, adding: “We understand that this is going to raise questions for those who were following him.”

The admins added that Lemoi had undergone testing on his heart last year, but the results had shown no cause for concern.

Lemoi began taking the version of ivermectin designed for animals on a daily basis in 2012, after he was diagnosed with Lyme disease, according to a detailed account of his medical history he gave on a podcast last November. He said then that five months after first taking the drug, he quit all other treatments and believed ivermectin had “regenerated” his heart muscle.

During the pandemic, Ivermectin became hugely popular among anti-vaxxers, many of whom were taking and recommending the veterinary formulation of the drug, rather than the one designed for human use. While ivermectin for humans is used to treat serious illnesses like river blindness, it has repeatedly been shown to be an ineffective treatment for COVID-19.

And according to the Missouri Poison Center, ingesting large doses of ivermectin formulated for animals has a long list of side effects, including seizures, coma, lung issues, and heart problems. Veterinary ivermectin is not a cure or effective treatment for COVID, the FDA has repeatedly warned, and is highly concentrated because it is designed for large animals like horses and cows. “Such high doses can be highly toxic in humans,” the FDA cautions.

“Danny was fully convinced that his heart had regenerated after his incident with Lyme disease that almost ended in congestive heart failure,” the admins wrote, before claiming that “a family history of heart disease and chronic stress” were why his heart had ultimately become engorged. “All of his other organs were unremarkable,” the admins wrote. “And this was determined to be a death by unfortunate natural causes.”

The admins of Lemoi’s channel did not respond to VICE News’ questions about where they got their information about his death. Lemoi’s surviving family did not respond to VICE News' request for comment on the cause of his death.

But a review of Lemoi’s Telegram channels shows that many of his followers who are taking his dosage recommendations, or “protocols,” for veterinary ivermectin are experiencing numerous known side effects of taking the drug.


If assholes like you had not demonized ivermectin (or anything else other than the vaccines), people could've actually got a prescription for it from their doctor. Instead, you fools played the game mainstream media, big pharma and the government wanted you to play.

The fact that you continue with this narrative is deplorable.


It's been proven that Ivermectin doesn't do anything to help with Covid 19. You are just too stupid to see it.


Proven, by whom?

The vaccines have been proven to do nothing to help with COVID, you are just too stupid to see it.


>The vaccines have been proven to do nothing to help with COVID, you are just too stupid to see it.


You are still not getting it are you?!

Big Pharma like Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen, and Novavax receive billions and they pay-off other companies including the cdc, who, distributors, big media, and big tech with disinfo, misinfo, and malinfo for the sake of profit $$$. This includes anything that may help or assist natural immunity… competition of any kind is not tolerated; regardless.

Once again, I’m placing you in one of two categories.

1. The ignorant idiot, the sheep, the cattle, and blind fool incapable of independent thinking, deductive reasoning, using common sense or logic due to brainwashing.


2. A deliberate liar for the sake of gain or profit; thereby, been a lackey, a pawn, or willing servant and accomplice to those responsible for crimes against humanity.


So exactly what sources do you accept? Apparently every single source I could find that provides studies on the effectiveness of the COVID vaccine is lying. Every single university study, every single public health release from every country, every single research group. All liars. Every single scientist, health professional and health board, according to you are liars.

This is genuinely flat-eartherism levels of conspiracy thought.

How is your position falsifiable?


Once again, you are still not getting it. You are the most obtuse person on this forum.

From your list, some fall under #2, and consequently cause others to fall under #1.
I’m not going to draw a diagram for you.


You outright reject any data from any source that says COVID vaccines have an impact as completely corrupted. That no matter what sources I or anyone provides you will always just claim they're bogus.


I'm not convinced that you do not fall under cat#2; however, you leave no doubt that you belong in cat#1.


"The vaccinated now account for a majority of COVID deaths"

This isn't hard, dude. The vast majority of people are now vaccinated. There are a lot more people who are vaccinated who can get COVID vs. unvaccinated people. What matters is deaths per 100,000 people in determining the effectiveness of the vaccinated.

So I love how apparently your compilation of other youtube cranks and conspiracists must just be agreed without argument (one of your sources is literally just a link of some images making claims lol) is somehow more credible than research departments at universities, the vast majority of epidemiologists and virologists, and public health organisations in every country.

But apparently Dr. Youtube is more credible.


LOL, you just proved that you fall under category #2.

I suspected this about you from your very fist post on this forum which was a reply to me in regards to the covid vaccine.


How did what I said prove anything?

>I suspected this about you from your very fist post on this forum which was a reply to me in regards to the covid vaccine.

Because that happened to be the thread I found. I've been active in a bunch of different topics on here, you know.


But this topic in particular is the one you are mainly been funded for.


You have zero evidence for this claim whatsoever. Nevermind the innately preposterous nature of it. This is an IMDB spinoff forum.


The specific details do not matter; you still fall under category #2.


Based on nothing but your own prejudice and bigotry.


If you had bothered to actually read any of those sources, charts, diagrams, reports, etc, instead of just glancing at them and immediately dismissing them, than you would have realized that the vaccines not only were ineffective with infection or transmission but were/are killing people.

No one with half of a brain can deny all the reported deaths of healthy young people that are suddenly dying. Even the most fucking brainwashed idiots can see that.

This leaves no doubt that "YOU" are a category #2 shill and lackey.

Your very 1st post on this forum was a small red flag.


>If you had bothered to actually read any of those sources, charts, diagrams, reports, etc, instead of just glancing at them and immediately dismissing them, than you would have realized that the vaccines not only were ineffective with infection or transmission but were/are killing people.

Pot, kettle. And most of your sources were conspiracy shit that you've posted at me before anyway. It's not a new post to me.

>No one with half of a brain can deny all the reported deaths of healthy young people that are suddenly dying. Even the most fucking brainwashed idiots can see that. (notes some problems with AstraZeneca's vaccine)

>This leaves no doubt that "YOU" are a category #2 shill and lackey.

No, this continues to be your hateful bigotry to anyone who doesn't just agree with you on everything.


Prove and/or refute that the sources are a conspiracy or false without providing fake news, misinfo, disinfo, malinfo, leftwing-biased sources, etc.

Show me where I stated or implied that others should agree with me on "everything".


>Prove and/or refute that the sources are a conspiracy or false without providing fake news, misinfo, disinfo, malinfo, leftwing-biased sources, etc.

So "prove my sources are a conspiracy without using any sources"

Any sources I bring to the table, you will just outright reject. You complain I skimmed your sources, but you've shown zero indication you read any of mine.

"Rules for thee, but not for me"

>Show me where I stated or implied that others should agree with me on "everything".

If you can make shit up about me, why can't I make shit up about you? Just observationally it's clear you're hostile to anyone who has a different worldview to you.


So the answer is no, you can't refute them or prove them it.

Lefties always lie, fabricate, deny, and deceive. You are as far left as it gets.
As a matter of fact, you have proven to be the most far left person on this forum.

Therefore; the only conclusion is clear and without doubt that you are a category #2 lackey, and the details about it do not matter one way or the other.


>So the answer is no, you can't refute them or prove them it.

Here is a basic one contextualising the claim that most people who die from COVID now have the vaccine:

But you need to have a basic understanding of statistical data to understand it. Not that you'll likely trust Reuters anyway.

I've given you many links, you've refused to look at any of them so far as I can tell.

>Lefties always lie, fabricate, deny, and deceive. You are as far left as it gets.

I'm not as "far-left" as it comes. You clearly don't know much about leftism here.

What have I lied about?

>As a matter of fact, you have proven to be the most far left person on this forum.


>Therefore; the only conclusion is clear and without doubt that you are a category 2 lackey, and the details about it do not matter one way or the other.

No, that's you just poisoning the well. Throwing out a bunch of accusations against me based on your own prejudice and hatred. Because you are bigoted against people who you identify as leftists.


That article is from Dec-22 which I have already read including several others from different sources that do not refute or disprove any of the sources I provided....none of them.

You have claimed to be a lefty and you have also claimed that your culture is far more left than in the USA...don't start playing coy again.

Once again; none of the sources that you have provided refute or disprove the information or data from my sources.

No accusations are necessary when you have been evident since your very first post on this site.


>That article is from Dec-22 which I have already read including several others from different sources that do not refute or disprove any of the sources I provided....none of them.

Your archive link on the same topic is from November 2022.

Did you even read it? Please tell me what that article says.

>You have claimed to be a lefty and you have also claimed that your culture is far more left than in the USA...don't start playing coy again.

I am a leftist. But I would not say I am "far-left".

>Once again; none of the sources that you have provided refute or disprove the information or data from my sources.

Your sources are rooted in a conspiracy premise that outright deny all scientific inquiry from academics into the COVID vaccine. Are any of your sources even academic?

>No accusations are necessary when you have been evident since your very first post on this site.

It has not been "evident" at all. It is your own bigotry.


Yes, and it still does not change the fact that the information from your reuters link does not in any way refute or disprove "any" of my sources...none of them.

By your own admission, you have claimed to be further left than the USA culture which is very far left, and based on most of your replies on this site, that is a clear confirmation of it.


>Yes, and it still does not change the fact that the information from your reuters link does not in any way refute or disprove "any" of my sources...none of them.

It contextualises them... what do you think the fact that more vaccinated people are dying from covid now means?

>By your own admission, you have claimed to be further left than the USA culture which is very far left, and based on most of your replies on this site, that is a clear confirmation of it.

US culture is not far-left, lmao. What are you on about?


It means that the vaccine did not work.......that is clear, and evident without any of my sources. Any explanation or excuse to refute that is just a false narrative of obfuscating the obvious, but this requires common sense, deductive reasoning, and independent thinking, of which you are clearly lacking.

I'm referring to the left-side of our culture...just how obtuse are you that you require a diagram to understand everything?!

The fact that you don't even realize what a left culture is proves just how far left you really are.


>It means that the vaccine did not work.......that is clear, and evident without any of my sources. Any explanation or excuse to refute that is just a false narrative of obfuscating the obvious, but this requires common sense, deductive reasoning, and independent thinking, of which you are clearly lacking.

No, it doesn't.

You clearly don't understand statistics. There aren't that many unvaccinated people anymore. Most people are vaccinated. That means that vaccinated people will dominate all illnesses, covid or otherwise in terms of bulk numbers. Unvaccinated people are still at a greater risk from complications from COVID than vaccinated people.

Cox told Reuters in an email, “Earlier in the rollout of vaccines, experts warned we would see vaccinated people represent a rising share of deaths simply because a larger share of the population was vaccinated. There are many more vaccinated people than there are unvaccinated people. And vaccinated and boosted people, on average, are older and more likely to have underlying health conditions that put them at risk for severe COVID outcomes.”

That is why, Cox added, when the CDC statistics are adjusted to account for those differences between groups, “we still see that unvaccinated people are at a much greater risk of death and other severe outcomes than vaccinated and boosted people are.”

Your blatant ignorance here is like arguing that the USA is much less safe a country to live in than, say, Haiti because more people die per year in the USA. It ignores the massive population difference between the USA and Haiti.

>I'm referring to the left-side of our culture...just how obtuse are you that you require a diagram to understand everything?!

What do you mean "left-side" here? I wouldn't agree that the UK "left-side" culture is innately more leftist than the US. We just have a weaker "right-side".

>The fact that you don't even realize what a left culture is proves just how far left you really are.

I don't really. Do you just mean transpeople? I don't have any association with that.


And once again, you fail to comprehend.

It means that the vaccine did not work.......that is clear, and evident without any of my sources.

Any attempt to explain or ineptly refute that is just a false narrative of obfuscating the obvious, but this requires common sense, deductive reasoning, and independent thinking, of which you are clearly lacking.


>It means that the vaccine did not work.......that is clear, and evident without any of my sources.

No, it does not. You clearly don't understand statistics.

If more people are vaccinated, there's much more of them to be infected with COVID. If every person on earth was vaccinated, but you, would you say that the fact that you were still alive but some vaccinated people died from COVID meant that the vaccine wasn't working?

>Any explanation or excuse to refute that is just a false narrative of obfuscating the obvious, but this requires common sense, deductive reasoning, and independent thinking, of which you are clearly lacking.

No, this is basic statistical analysis that you clearly lack.


I understand it, but a masters degree in statistics is not required for the most fundamental and basic common factor that the vaccine "clearly" and "evidently" did not work.

Any attempt to explain or ineptly refute that in any way is just a false narrative of obfuscating the obvious, but this requires common sense, deductive reasoning, and independent thinking, of which you are clearly lacking.

One of the biggest issues with lefties is that they are always trying make things complicated.


>I understand it, but a masters degree in statistics is not required for the most fundamental and basic common factor that the vaccine "clearly" and "evidently" did not work.

Except the data does not show this. And I did not expect some advanced statistical understanding. This is basic stuff.

>One of the biggest issues with lefties is that they are always trying make things complicated.

The context of this comes across as you complaining about data "being complicated".


No, the data is actually very simple and basic, and could not be more obvious and apparent.

The problem is with lefties like you that fail to use common sense and are always trying to complicate things.

The vaccine failed to prevent infection and transmission, but it is also directly responsible for causing injuries and deaths.

Your refusal to see or understand any of this by trying to obfuscate it is confirmation that you are part of category #2 as I have already stated several times.


>No, the data is actually very simple and basic, and could not be more obvious and apparent.

The data that I've just given you?

>The vaccine failed to prevent infection and transmission, but it is also directly responsible for causing injuries and deaths.

No more than any other highly rare vaccine side-effect.

>Your refusal to see or understand any of this by trying to obfuscate it is confirmation that you are part of category #2 as I have already stated several times.

No, that is just your continued prejudice and bigotry.

"He doesn't agree with my biased outlook so therefore he must be a paid shill".


Oh, so now you are excusing and justifying it with "rare vaccine side-effect"...typical deflection straight from the lefty it.

I provided two categories, if you are not from the first, than you are clearly and evidently from the second...see how simple that was.


>Oh, so now you are excusing and justifying it with "rare vaccine effect"...typical deflection straight from the lefty it.

I notice you're ignoring the data I am providing about the effectiveness of the vaccine.

Also, yes, highly rare, 1 in 200,000 type of rarity for an adverse vaccine event. If not more.

>I provided two categories, if you are not from the first, than you are clearly and evidently from the second...see how simple that was.

False dichotonomy. I am not bound by your bigotry.


No, you are ignoring my very first reply to you on this thread. Go back and read it again.

Well, yes, of course you are. #1 or #2.

Your first post on this forum along with all your other replies/posts about this topic, easily places you in #2....prove me wrong.


>No, you are ignoring my very first reply to you on this thread. Go back and read it again.

I've read it before. I'm not spending hours reading junk, listening to youtube conspiracy theorists. You have an article, share it, and we'll do it one at a time.

>Well, yes, of course you are. #1 or #2.

False dichotonomy.

>Your first post on this forum along with all your other replies/posts about this topic, easily places you in #2....prove me wrong.

You don't understand the burden of proof along with statistics. You made the claim, the onus is on you. That my first post happened to be COVID related does not mean I'm paid by big pharma. That logic simply does not follow. It can be dismissed.

You'll note, if you look, that I'm actually talking about other things in other threads with other people and have done so since being here.


I'm referring to my first reply on this thread, not the one with the links to the others. Go back and read it. It starts with the following: "You are still not getting it are you?!"

And yes, the burden still falls on you since you evidently fall under 1 or 2. Not just because of your first post on MC, but all your other replies in regards to this topic.

Are you now trying to say that you belong in the first category?!

BTW: This is the disorder that you portray with the following characteristics:

“What disorders can appear as "playing coy"? (The person also has long term patterns of behavior characterized by coyness, defensiveness, rigidity, overbearing, unchanging, not listening)”.


>I'm referring to my first reply on this thread, not the one with the links to the others. Go back and read it. It starts with the following: "You are still not getting it are you?!"

That's just you ranting at me with your schizoid conspiracy babble.

>And yes, the burden still falls on you since you evidently fall under 1 or 2. Not just because of your first post on MC, but all your other replies in regards to this topic.

No it doesn't. You made the claims, you back them up. I am under no obligation to do anything. What you assert without evidence I can dismiss without evidence.

>Are you now trying to say that you belong in the first category.

I belong in neither. It's a flase dichotomy.

>“What disorders can appear as "playing coy"? (The person also has long term patterns of behavior characterized by coyness, defensiveness, rigidity, overbearing, unchanging, not listening)”.

Apparently denying allegations you throw at me suggests I am "defensive"? How am I anymore rigid or overbearing or unchanging than you?

Am I to assume if you reject any allegations I make towards you, that you are playing coy?


My question was rhetorical since you have already provided more than enough evidence that you belong to one or the other, I'm going to go with the second.

No one on this site plays coy anywhere near as much as you. Now you are playing coy about not been coy.

That disorder describes you perfectly and accurately based on your replies to others on this forum.


>My question was rhetorical since you have already provided more than enough evidence that you belong to one or the other, I'm going to go with the second.

I have done no such thing. You just make shit up based on your bigotry.

>No one on this site plays coy anywhere near as much as you. Now you are playing coy about not been coy.

More aimless ranting. People make claims at me, and I ask them to back up it. Many never reply, get angry, insult me, and some attempt (although often show their lack of fact-checking when doing so).

Now why are you even replying to me at this point? You clearly have nothing to say other than to point fingers.


Everything that you just stated about other people’s reaction to you is a clear indication and confirmation of my description about you and the coyness disorder.

Do you require a picture or diagram of what all of that means?!


>Everything that you just stated about other people’s reaction to you is a clear indication and confirmation of my description about you and the coyness disorder.

So it's "coy" to ask people to back up their claims? Or challenge their claims?


Fucking lame.


Please…., just stop, think of your family


My family has all had COVID. The ones without the clot shot fared better than those who were vaccinated and boosted.


Apparently he had Lyme disease, which can cause mental illness.


...The obituary gave no details about the cause of his death...

Yet ANOTHER example that anti-vaxxers always seem to conveniently want things both ways.

They never hesitated to accuse health officials of publicly inflating numbers of deaths as more being falsely COVID related than actually were, but when one of their own dies from something COVID related, they don't want the death to be publicly known as being COVID related.


Because they were inflating numbers. Why? Because there was money in it.


No one said that wasn't a possibility, only that if it were, anti-vaxxers NOT wanting to report COVID as the cause of their deaths because they want to falsely DEFLATE the number of COVID deaths because of what that would do to publicly reinforce their beliefs ALSO has to be considered as a possibility....because there was self-reinforcing delusion in it.


Wrong. We do not want the numbers flubbed in either direction. I want the unabashed truth. You people cannot say that with a straight face.


But if THAT were true, deaths of anti-vaxxers due to covid WOULD be listed with the cause being covid, and as you will have to admit, the obvious truth about the Lemois' obituary is that it obviously DIDN'T. ; )


How long are you going to ignore all the bad shit coming out about the vaccines? You've all been duped and you continue to swallow their poison.


I have never suggested that the COVID vaccines were perfect, since ALL medicines have the possibility of affecting SOMEone in an adverse way (like Ivermectin did in the case of Lemoi), but that is obviously not the same as you refusing to admit the truth that anti-vaxxers have proven time and time again to be the hypocrites they accuse OTHERS of being in the way that I just described in my previous post.


Fucking Vice lmao, of course. These articles are the worst of yellow journalism ever. Time to tear this one to shreds...

From the very first line of the article: Danny Lemoi took a daily dose of veterinary-grade ivermectin and told his thousands of followers to give the drug to children. He died of a common side effect of the medication.

Read that again. Then reread it.

Now, had this dude, or anyone else for that matter.... had been taking the original, Nobel Prize-winning, human version of the drug normally prescribed by a doctor, would he still be dead?

No. He wouldn't.

But, since him and his Jim Jones followers are dumbasses...he's dead. That's no more no less, this doesn't place labels on others. It matters in no way shape or form to other people that happen to share a few values that are unrelated to vaccines.

Unless, of course, you are admitting that the covid shots are indeed a cult because "maga" people are AnTi-VaXXERs...yes?

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
