MovieChat Forums > Politics > American Patriot Sarah Huckabee Sanders ...

American Patriot Sarah Huckabee Sanders gives speech of the Century.

She is amazing. Sarah I pray you go places bigger than you ever imagined. God has his hand on your life.

Great leader and wonderful profound speech! God Bless America

Trump/Sanders 2024


It was memorable. One of the worst responses in history.


agree, Joes speech was terrible. only 10 years left of oil? wtf?


dreadful woman,,,,, if she is a woman



"Amazingly" self-delusional and gaslighty...just like the base she panders to. Sad.



Pretty sure thats not a real word. But thanks for trying.


Regardless, it's accurate and true about sanders and her base, as you've just illustrated. So thanks for playing.


Her base is enormous and more than likely she will be President one day.


Unfortunately for you and sanders, the term "enormous" does not constitute a majority of the US voting population, as proven by the 2020 election. ; )

And even then, if given a generous estimate that 45% of US citizens vote republican, it is THEN even a smaller, dwindling portion of republican politicians and republican voters that still support what she believes, which is self-delusional and gaslighty (as evidenced by her recent SOTU response).

So good luck with that.


Sarah is awesome.

Comical how liberals are all about women and women's rights........unless they're conservative. Then they use all manner of nasty labels and insults to describe them. Case in point, the usual twats responding to this post. Too stupid to realize what hypocrites they are.


Rumor has it that Sarah Hilbilly Sanders has bankrupted numerous all you can eat restaurants.
