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Electric Cars: Inconvenient Facts

Stossel: Two parts, just 11m. &

Forgot to promote nuclear. Some mistakes:
mining is dirty - all vehicles are metal, unless it's horse and buggy.
batteries are inefficient - 90% compared to 20% gasoline.


I still found it somewhat amusing to hear that when submerged in a sufficient amount of water, battery-powered vehicles explode.


The fires from batteries can last months.


The unfortunate side effect of a self oxidized fire is that the only way to put it out is to blast it apart..



Thanks for posting. It was really interesting (and distressing). The worst was how virtuous climate / energy policy has driven citizens in certain countries back to heating with coal and the miles of long lines of people in cars waiting to purchase coal for their homes. Absolute insanity.


A big win with nuclear if we can scale it up is that we can make surplus energy, massive amounts of energy that would be a lot better in terms of, for example, the housing industry.

We say we want to build massive numbers of houses so the young up and comers in the middle class can buy a house, but the cost of a modern house is prohibitive - and part of that is because these green building methods or insulation and energy conservation are super expensive.

If we have the massive amounts of energy nuclear could provide we could make all of the worlds housing stock useful again without massive retrofits. Most houses were were built when energy was cheap, so they do not have insulation and many places do not have air-conditioning.

With sufficient energy we could heat all these houses again and give ourselves time to retrofit so it is not so expensive and destructive.

Also it is clear that we need to increase desalinization of seawater because there are so many lands where humans are sucking all the water for our use and killing nature. That would end with massive amounts of clean carbon-free clean energy.

I just cannot stand Stossel and most of the Right-wing nuts who push an agenda that I think is likely to be dishonest and fake - designed to shift even more profits to corporations and elites. He sucks. Doesn't mean he is wrong about everything though.
