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Paul Whelan 'greatly disappointed' The UltraBBBism administration has not done more to free him.

Whelan said he "was led to believe that things were moving in the right direction, and that the governments were negotiating and that something would happen fairly soon.”

The Tyrannical Biden administration announced Thursday that Griner was freed in exchange for Viktor Bout, a convicted arms dealer who had been serving a 25-year prison sentence in the United States.

Mr.. Whelan served his Country the Country that Griner disrespected. Bidney needs to focus on getting a US veteran released get your priorities in line Dementia Joe. Paul should have been freed before her. Just another example of the treatment athlete or famous people get and it's absurd. Griner better be packing up and heading to Canada because she had nothing nice to say about America prior to her arrest.


Interesting tidbit of info...

"Former National Security Adviser John Bolton has revealed that Donald Trump turned down the chance to secure Paul Whelan’s release two years ago – despite the former president claiming to be outraged over the Biden administration’s deal which freed Brittney Griner but left the US marine in Russian custody."


This seems like fake news to me. But anyways, Dementia Joe is the best president of all time and will get Paul released before Christmas.


Of course it seems like fake news to you, it doesn't fit your narrative! If it is, then I guess your op is also, as they both come from the same source...D'oh!


I did read it and it makes no sense.

If what Bolton says is true, then there should be a record of it in the or National Archive transcripts.

Lets analyze the text.

"Former National Security Adviser John Bolton has revealed that Donald Trump turned down the chance to secure Paul Whelan’s release two years ago –"

Bolton said Trump turned down a chance 2 years ago. That would be 2020.

"told CBS that the Trump administration had the opportunity to trade Mr Whelan for convicted arms dealer Viktor Bout in 2018."

Then Bolton said Trump had a chance to trade in 2018.

"Mr Whelan - a US, Canadian, British and Irish citizen who served in the US Marines from 2003 to 2008 - was arrested in Russia in December 2018."

Paul was arrested in Dec 2018. So basically as soon as Paul was arrested Trump had a chance to free him?

So was it 2018 or 2020? And why did Trump only get one month to free Paul?

“The possibility of a Bout-for-Whelan trade existed back then and it wasn’t made, for very good reasons having to deal with Viktor Bout,” he said."

Bolton said he didn't want to have to deal with Viktor Bout. Mr Bolton, who was the national security adviser to Trump.

I assume he advised Trump not to make the trade.


This seems like fake news to me

Of course it is!
Thats what daddy Trump taught you

If theres any news you dont like , or portrays you a complete lying hippocrit ,
just say "Fake News"
and the story will magically become untrue and go away .


doesn't even have the balls to respond. daddy trump taught you well


Lets analyze the text.

"Former National Security Adviser John Bolton has revealed that Donald Trump turned down the chance to secure Paul Whelan’s release two years ago –"

Bolton said Trump turned down a chance 2 years ago. That would be 2020.

"told CBS that the Trump administration had the opportunity to trade Mr Whelan for convicted arms dealer Viktor Bout in 2018."

Then Bolton said Trump had a chance to trade in 2018.

"Mr Whelan - a US, Canadian, British and Irish citizen who served in the US Marines from 2003 to 2008 - was arrested in Russia in December 2018."

Paul was arrested in Dec 2018. So basically as soon as Paul was arrested Trump had a chance to free him?

So was it 2018 or 2020? And why did Trump only get one month to free Paul?

“The possibility of a Bout-for-Whelan trade existed back then and it wasn’t made, for very good reasons having to deal with Viktor Bout,” he said."

Bolton said he didn't want to have to deal with Viktor Bout. Mr Bolton, who was the national security adviser to Trump.

I assume he advised Trump not to make the trade.


so trump had the opportunity and dint pursue it. great so when you blaming trump like you do Biden :)


"my yahoo articles real but yours I don't like so its fake"

daddy trumps done a number on you guys


So are we going to agree that all articles from Yahoo and truthful and honest from now on?


are you selectively choosing which you know are true and false? how convenient. isn't yahoo part of "da lying liberal media". amazing how its true when it supports you


I am just wanting to know if Yahoo has real or fake news.


that's what im asking you idiot. who is the one who says fake news? my side of yours? you are too dumb and so cucked by daddy trump you don't even know if you have permission to say yahoo is okay.

grow some balls


So are we going to agree that all articles from Yahoo and truthful and honest from now on?


again this is YOUR SIDES arguement you idiot. maybe have a little meeting and decide if its all "da liberal fake news" or if its actually real news even if tis the same source.

grow some balls


I am just wanting to know if Yahoo has real or fake news.


has you and your side decided yet? im waiting you ball less eunuch. its not me and my side who screams "fake news" at everything we don't like. that would be you and your ilk.

grow a spine and answer. is yahoo "liberal fake news" or is it believable and true only when it does articles you like.

everyone here can see you being a ball less coward


Trump couldn't get him out either. I suspect there are some details about his case that have not come to light and that have complicated efforts to secure his release.


You think your pals, your handlers the Russians are going to cooperate? They're the good guys here? Sure, just like you're the good guy here, right?
Republicans won't do a damn thing to lift a finger to help anyone if there isn't profit in it for them.
So get off your high horse and quit using this site as a megaphone for your slander and lies, you paid Russian flunky.


they love blaming Biden for everything when trump was president during his arrest and jailing


wait wasn't trump president when he was arrested and jailed???
