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Why do Republicans Support Putin?

Putin's Useful Idiots Too many Republicans who know better are serving as mouthpieces for the Kremlin. - The Atlantic


All lies, propaganda and slander. The lunatic left is literally drowning in lies and bullshit.


A couple of them here on MC are starting to wake up..... The utter bullshit of all this CurrentThing™ nonsense is becoming too large to keep them all wrapped in the lies.


Umm, we don't idiot. Grow a brain dummy


I think it's because they think Ukraine has no real benefit for the US (other than Democracy of course). They'll cry foul on Iran and China though. China for semi-conductor chips and Iran for Israel defense. Russia, dunno, it's only Ukraine and not of NATO member. I guess that sums it up. Ukraine is corrupt, everyone knows that but how far are they really striving for Democracy though? So far they're just fighting for their homeland.


Ukraine has no real benefit for the US

You don't seriously believe this complete bullshit you actually typed out and hit enter on, right?


I think we should have learned by now that you cannot force "democracy" on people who are unwilling to die for it.

We talk about China because they are the biggest threat to the free world. What the USSR sought to achieve with military might, they are doing with economic might. The DNC, China and big pharma, all enemies of freedom. The democrats accuse the GOP of everything they're guilty of, big projection and deflection. They talk about Russia to deflect from China. Millions of people are dead because of a virus developed and released by China, where's the outrage? They talk about bullshit gender issues, abortion, green energy and gun control, when big pharma is killing more people than the plague.
