MovieChat Forums > Politics > How is the FBI Raid on Trump going?

How is the FBI Raid on Trump going?

Biden the puppet and his superior libtard lefty party trying to set up Trump, a good scapegoat for their own attitudes with false nonsense of crimes by planting documents in his house so they can make him look bad to win support from the people of America... How's that going so far?


I think they are going to indict, convict and jail him. Too much of a threat to the power structure of both parties.

Even in the best case (no large-scale violence or civil war), the consequences will be dire. They just don't care. Power is all that matters to them.


Thats gotta be one of the worst constructed sentences I've ever seen , and to top it off , once you decode it its full of brainwashed delusional right wing conspiracy theory .
A double shit sandwich.


hahahahahahah from Wuchak it was "Epstein Clinton documents they prob took"

now its "they planted documents"

the Republican Party as a whole need psych evals and put on medication


White House totally caught lying about having no knowledge of the raid...they did.

The Biden admin is everything the media/dems/left projected onto Trump. It's almost scary how much they projected, that Biden has made happen.


you are so funny no one would have know about this if trump himself had not leaked this he wanted some like you to pass on some lies
