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Poll shows just how divided America has become

The survey's biggest finding? Democrats and Republicans agree: they really don't like Republicans and Democrats.

Since 2016, growing numbers of people in each party simply don't like people in the other party. They increasingly see people with differing political views as closed-minded, dishonest, unintelligent and even immoral.

Among Democrats, 63% see Republicans as immoral, up from just 35% who said so in 2016. For Republicans' part, 72% see Democrats as immoral, up from 47% seven years ago.

Majorities of Democrats, Republicans and independents who lean toward either party say they do so because of the harm the other side could do to the country.

Americans are also increasingly negative in their view of the two major U.S. political parties, with 27% saying they have an unfavorable view of both political parties. Pew has been asking this question since at least 1994.

Yep America is coming to an end as we know it. Guess the old days of life are behind us.



the old days where republicans literally changed the rules to stop FDR running and winning again? they've always been slimey




NPR did not do the survey. It used to be parents did not want kids to marry another race or religion. Now 40% don't want kids to marry another political party!

A large Pew survey out this week shows just how bad it's gotten. (Pew interviewed 6,174 Americans. For context: most good national polls only interview about 1,000 people or so.)


Not really surprised. There's so much hate on both sides. Who cares what someone's views are? What kind of world is it where you want everyone to think like you?
