MovieChat Forums > Politics > Virus for the next 3 years at least

Virus for the next 3 years at least
BURLINGTON, Mass., Dec. 29, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- MilliporeSigma, the U.S. and Canada Life Science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, a leading science and technology company, today announced that it has been awarded a $136.7M USD contract award for the construction of a lateral flow membrane production facility over a three-year period at the company's Sheboygan, Wisconsin site.


I was told it wouldn't end until around 2024 and that was back in 2019. That's why the imbecile Trump needed to take action immediately like his advisors told him to. Instead he ignored them for a month which allowed Covid to gain a foothold as it grew exponentially. Trump had defunded health agencies and created a huge personnel shortage and then encouraged Americans to "liberate" states by not wearing masks, not social distancing and not taking the vaccine. You helped cause this if you voted for that imbecile!

Notice how Ebola had resurfaced earlier this year, but Biden acted quickly so it has not spread. Ebola would be killing millions today if that imbecile Trump were still president. The moment Biden heard Ebola came back, he sent medical teams to Africa to stop its spread. Biden also refunded health agencies and gave them the staff they need to work to protect the world.

The reason why GOPers do so poorly in life is because your standards are set so low. You support a lazy and stupid slacker who did nothing for four years. Then, you wonder why your lives are so pathetic. If you're going to support a conservative, make sure they are intelligent, moral, hard-working. Of course, you wont. You prefer only losers!


China let covid spread around the world for months before the whistleblower came out. Nothing anyone did would have made any difference, and we know that as fact now. Blame China. They caused this.

We all know you suffer from extreme TDS, so just stop with the Trump garbage. Get help.


The buck stops with the president who was Trump during covid's exponential growth. As LEADER, it's the president's job to protect citizens from pandemics and domestic and foreign threats. Trump failed all three. Your defense of incompetency is pathetic.

Furthermore, the GOP knows their mindless followers are xenophobes and racists. That is the reason they came up with their xenophobic and racist excuse to blame China which lead to attacks on Asian-Americans. Typical scapegoating which would have made Hitler proud.

GOP strategists sat in a room and decided not to defend Trump's incompetence. Instead they chose to redirect anger towards Chinese people to whom their racists followers were to eager to demonize. PART OF THEIR STRATEGY WAS TO SATURATE RIGHT-WING MEDIA WITH THEIR RACIST SCAPEGOATING. THEIR PLAYBOOK WAS LEAKED.

"'Don't Defend Trump, Attack China,' GOP Memo Says as Beijing Becomes Bludgeon for Both Campaigns

A memo from the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) to GOP candidates has urged campaigns not to "defend Trump" over the coronavirus pandemic, advising them instead to "attack China."

The memo, which was put together by the strategic communications firm O'Donnell & Associates and dated April 17, was sent out as Republicans and President Donald Trump attempt to gain political mileage from worldwide outrage at China's handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

"Note - don't defend Trump, other than the China Travel Ban -- attack China," the memo, which was first reported by Politico, says on page 6.

It goes on to list a series of talking points that Republicans can use in a bid to reframe the narrative. GOP candidates and their campaigns are instructed to shift blame to China."

Leaked anti-Chinese GOP Playbook:

You're a racist.


Lol, I didn't read any of that because I'm sure there's nothing of substance to be had.

You're a racist.

Since you set the bar, I'm the least racist poster on this board.


You fear the truth.

You hate Chinese people and scapegoat them like Hitler scapegoated Jews.

The GOP counted on your bigotry and you didn't dissapoint.


It's cute how you act as if the left and right are on different sides.


Your comment has nothing to do with anti-Asian hatred and scapegoating which were created to blameshift Trump's mishandling of covid.

You can click on my two links in previous posts to further understand how the manipulation was created, their taking points and strategy.

BTW, I already know the super rich use divide and conquer techniques to keep the masses from uniting against their exploitation. It allows idiots to vote against their own interests by supporting lower taxes for the rich, no unions, no National Healthcare, no clean air or water, lax consumer protections, etc..


No, you don't know shit.


Wow! What an intelligent response from you.


Yeah it only takes you multiple paragraphs to look like a dumb cunt.


"Antifa are fascist, ya know."

You're a racist incel who supports Fascism. I thought so.


Yeah,I know.

Better than being a cunt, though.


I'm against all forms of government but I'm a fascist..... you're so fucking dimb


Don't confuse me with a Trump supporter.

Don't confuse me for a white person either.


It’s quite funny how their business plan is identical to the whole virus/antivirus nonsense that occurred on Windows for the last 25 years.
