MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why didn't Ginsburg retire under Obama?

Why didn't Ginsburg retire under Obama?

She was already old and sick with cancer when Obama was President. She could easily have retired during his second term and ensured a Democrat would replace her. Why didn't she? Selfishness, reluctance to relinquish her power, or what? She certainly didn't do her party any favors with her decision to hold on to the bitter end, did she?


From what I have heard Biden is suppose to name a gay woman to replace her if he gets elected. Maybe she didn't like the replacement that was put in place for her when Obama was in.


She couldn't. The Republicans didn't allow Obama to appoint Supreme Court Justices nor federal judges.


Obama first term was a democrat senate but needed 60 votes. Its unlikely a lesbian back then would have been chosen like the democrats want now with 51.They would need 3 of republicans to switch over plus the VP voting.


She should have but I’m guessing she wanted to be there for the Hilary presidency that didn’t happen. She was probably looking forward to having a woman pick her replacement.


It was a 60 vote so they would need about 10 republlcans to swtch over and vote for a wierdo democrat judge.
