MovieChat Forums > Politics > Is there any evidence of racial motivati...

Is there any evidence of racial motivation on the cops' part?

I'm not saying there wasn't, I just haven't seen any yet. Or are people ironically just making assumptions based on the main cop's skin color?

That question seems particularly relevant given.....the ongoing race riots based on the premise of "systemic racism" throughout all police forces.


regardless Police need to be deescalated and put on a tighter leash also clean cops= clean streets win win


But we need to clear up the whole "racist" angle given the racial claims and insanity happening in the country. Is there any evidence the Floyd case was about race?


it's an obvious fact that black males commit more crime than any other demo,
so they get arrested at a higher rate,
& some of them fight or resist the arrest, which can cause escalation in force & it is sometimes deadly,

that's racist against all blacks,

& just like when a white school shooter, or a white rapist, or a white serial killer is arrested or beaten or killed by cops all us whites post on social media & defend those criminals & call for action & resolution to their plight....
oh wait - we don't do that, because we don't defend & embrace our criminals as if they were heroes or martyrs


I've been saying for decades that better pay would attract a better quality of recruits to choose from for law enforcement. And teachers as well. MUCH better pay = much better field of individuals to choose from.


police make bank, bro


I said this in a thread days ago.

Just because they were different skin colors doesn't mean it was motivated by racism. It only means they were different races. Two of the other cops involved are minorities too.

Floyd and the cop worked together at a club as security guards in the past. Maybe it was personal but who knows?


Rodeo bar is a several thousand square foot 3 story Latino bar. Floyd worked inside and the officer outside. I would say that size of bar has hundreds working bar and security.
Floyd, who Santamaria called a "great guy" known for his big smile, often worked as an extra security guard on Tuesdays when the club held popular "urban" music nights. Chauvin served as an off-duty police officer for the club for almost 17 years.


So basically they may not have truly known each other.


The motivation is virus and impeachment hasn't gotten rid of Trump. A race war might.


Lol at wanting a race war to get rid of a President you don´t like.


Should we really go into a debate on how low Hillary and Nancy will go.


When AI is completed and all cops are robots we won’t have these problems anymore.
