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The pandemic

I am so sick and tired of hearing, reading, and watching news about the pandemic! I know it is a serious illness and thousands of people have died, but it's like the world has thrown us a bait and we have bitten into it. I hope there is a cure soon so things get back to normal.


Focusing just on the one thing, when it is not the only thing people die off and those that have contracted it and died, (like any other thing they may have contracted), it is more than likely they had other health issues that contributed to the death. We need to know what other influenza viruses people have contracted and died from to make a comparison and what are the other health issues involved with the patient who died? We are given superficial messages.


Young and healthy people are dying, too. Medical doctors in my area were scared to death months ago because they knew what was going to eventually happen. I was told about young people on respirators at that time.

As for people with health issues, many Americans smoke or are overweight which makes them very high risks. Not being able to breathe for weeks because you're drowning on your own body fluids sounds hellish to me.


Young and healthy people are dying of other things too and personal health is also a key attribute. COVID being a respiratory illness, smokers are likely to be at higher risk too, regardless of age.

There are many hellish illnesses. Influenza is a common one for many people to catch, yet we need more information and comparisons made. I don't take things in black and white mode.


Good news is coming it won't last forever


Cure won't be until the middle or late of 2021 so good luck on waiting for that vaccine news and more reports of CCP virus news.


Oh NO!!!


There is a cure. Ignore it and learn to think for yourself.
