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Sheldon Adelson Is Giving Trump and GOP $200 Million Dollars

Trump is taking money where he can find it. Adelson is only one rich guy! Imagine the long list of rich people who are donating to Trump. He should have more than a billion to spend against the democratic nominee.

Meanwhile, the Democrats are hobbling themselves by making impoverishment a condition to run. Between complaining about a candidate being too rich, not accepting money from the wrong type of donor and foolishly thinking $5 donations will be enough are wrecking their chances to compete effectively. Right now, Bernie has about $18 million dollars left to spend if is accurate before he gets another influx of funds.

I don't like money in politics, but unless laws are drastically changed, that's our reality. Democrats need to compete to win elections in order to change campaign finance laws.

In France, a presidential candidate cannot spend more than $21.5 million and TV ads are forbidden. Campaigning is for 2 weeks. In Canada, all candidates spent a combined $72.6 million and their campaigning last only 6 weeks.

Maybe the answer is much shorter campaigns.


I would love 'much shorter' campaigns. I'm tired of candidates stumbling over themselves until the summer convention. It happened in 2016 with the Republicans (and the clown with the biggest circus tent won) and now with the Dems.


It's a very bad system because the incumbent can organize and raise funds while the opposing party candidates are destroying each other's reputation which helps whoever is in the WH.


its pretty much Bernie or bust now for many.

Sorry but people arent about to vote for "trump but with a civil tone and less offensive"

Bloomberg will still continue the corporatocracy and handouts, the nonstop wars, the corrupt political insider system. the billionaire and millionaire tax cuts and two tiered justice system. the broken healthcare system.

ohh but mike will "talk nicer" so its okay


Excellent points


LOL! How much of his 50 or so billion dollars is Bloomberg paying you to shill for him here with all these threads?

I'm guessing zero actually, which makes this sadder. Anyone with a "D" by his name, eh Keelai? You've made it clear that you're basically a communist yourself, so why are you siding with the bank account (about all Minimike is; no charisma, no good policy ideas, detached from the people, etc.) over someone like Sanders or one of the other "progressives"? It's all about (perceived; frankly desperate and thinly evidenced) "electability"?

Remember how Biden was sold as the "electable" candidate? How is that turning out? Is that why you're panicking?


For $200 million does Adelson get to grab Melania and Ivanka by their pussies? Is that what T-rump promised him?


It might help keep that streak of 18 consecutive months of 3%+ wage growth going, the longest in a couple of decades. Which do Americans care more about? That or the crap you're making up? I'd bet on the former.

Take another defeat lap.


T-rumps top priority is pussy grabbing and other acts of sexual misconduct against women.

Thanks Peloton!


😄 You're like a moth angrily bashing your head into a light.


Citizens United (what a misleading name!) is another crock of baloney that has been shoved down our throats by a crooked pub-led SCOTUS.

And Adelson's gift is what got Michael Milken exonerated. Maybe Trump will pardon Madoff next.


The dems aren't hobbling themselves. Progressives are showing them the path. The dem establishment isn't able to hide the truth any more that they take care of big donors first and then maybe the working class later if they have time.

The only reason the dem establishment are kinda sorta going along with the idea of small donations is because they see the results progressives are getting by explaining why government works primarily for corporations. So at least some credit to the dem establishment for kinda sorta admitting the gigantic problem of big donations.

However, the reality is if you're not a real progressive then it isn't going to work for you. That's really all your post needs to say.


Reasons I don't support Warren or Bernie:

1. Warren and Bernie want to take my private health insurance.

2. I don't want my taxes paying for rich people's children to go to Harvard when they can afford it.

3. Above promises are not practical and wasteful.

4. Americans don't want a socialist or communist president therefore won't vote for one.

5. Most swing state voters are moderate therefore the Democratic candidate should be a moderate to appeal to them and be electable. Most states will vote for their party: ex NY & CA will vote democrat. AK & ND will vote republican. Only swing states matter. Give them the candidate they want - moderate.

6. Most of Bernie and Warren supporters are young. Young don't vote. Older people vote and they're moderate and prefer Biden therefore I prefer Biden because he's the most electable. Bloomberg is ok if Biden falters. The other moderates are ok, but not as electable.

7. In 2020, the election has to be about removing Trump who is destroying democracy. He is installing an autocracy and kleptocracy. That has to be the priority. Save the progressive wish list for later or it won't matter if we're living in Russia 2.0 under Supreme Leader Trump and his corrupt dynasty for the next 50 years.


Facts are facts. Trump beat all the other republicans by hitting them from the left. He went after them taking corporate donations, and he went after their stance on the Iraq war. He then went on to beat Hillary by criticizing her stance on TPP, supporting the war, and her Wall Street speeches. Yes, Trump was equally bad, but he was able to sell the lie. All Hillary and the DNC could talk about was pussy grabbing and how rude he was.

Now instead of a phony using those left-wing talking points, we have the real deal that pushed for them for 40 years.

So now if we get Bloomberg it's 2016 all over again, with the republican being allowed to hit the democrat from the left. Trump will criticize Bloomberg for stop and frisk, ties to Wall Street, and basically anything that shows Bloomberg has been a lifelong republican. Trump might even go after Bloomberg for his opposition to Occupy Wall Street which is where Bernie was crowned leader of the progressive movement.

But if Bernie is nominated, Trump will have to campaign on a new strategy he's never tried before. He'll have to attack from the right. And all they have is the S word which really only works on the elderly.


"And all they have is the S word which really only works on the elderly."

True! And they are the ones who vote in droves. Bernie has young support but they don't vote. Maybe 15%. Progressives talk but they don't follow through.

I considered Biden the strongest candidate against Trump. He's from Middle America. He exudes warmth, people relate to him and he has popularity with key voters. But, he's floundering. I read that people in the party didn't want him to run because they knew this would happen. A major problem is that his organization isn't good. Same problem Hillary had.

Bloomberg has a great organization, field operations and extremely skilled people advising him that's impressing Biden's donors who are beginning to switch sides. He's just not moving up in the polls because of money. His advisors know what they're doing.

I agree that Bloomberg has issues. Not the one's you name. He can come across cold and unrelatable. Closing coal mines isn't going to win him friends in swing states.

Trump is ready to pounce on Bernie. Bloomberg's people said that Trump had a great deal of operations research on Bernie which means they found a lot of dirt to destroy him with if he's the main candidate. There is no way that a socialist who wants to destroy private companies and wants to take private insurance away from over 100 million Americans will win.


You just don't get it do you. when you get in power due to billionaire or certain special interest money, you owe them favours and continue to need this money. because you didn't actually get real strong public support. your support was manufactured and bought. SO you win an election due to pharmacy companies funding and your re going to turn around and regulate them? What world are you living in.

obviously campaign reform is needed. Thats why Bernie is one of the biggest advocates of it. you know the guy you hate and claim is a communist? while bloomberg who you like hasn't once talked about it that I can find.


And yet Bloomberg has already spent $200 million dollars already. I think Steyer has spent roughly the same. Hypocrite much?

Here's a solution for you komrade. Move to France. Problem solved! You're welcome. 🤪🤪🤪


That's my point, Simpleton Sandy. Bloomberg can hold his own financially against Trump who was poor and living on credit and money laundering before his election. Bloomberg being rich is a great thing! Why do you capitalism?

Autocrat Trump is turning America into your type of government, Russia 2.0. A corrupt autocratic kleptocracy. At least France is a full democracy. The U.S. is considered a flawed democracy and sinking fast.


"Why do you capitalism?" What does that mean?

Your solution is in your own words. Move to France. Problem solved. You're welcome. Again.


Why do you hate capitalism?

"Problem solved."

Actually, it's not. Why wouldn't you want the U.S. to become a full democracy again? France just regained its status as a full democracy from a flawed democracy in 2019. I'd like to see America do the same. You appear to hate what America stands for which is a shame.


You left the word "hate" out in your original post. You do know that makes a big difference, yes? So Bloomberg is your nominee, yes?

First of all, the easiest solution is for you to move to France since France has already done what you want. Is that not a viable solution for you? It would end your bitching in a nanosecond.

I don't really keep up with French politics. I don't know what France did in 2019 to make it a "full democracy". Why don't you tell me.


Wrong question, Simpleton Sandy. You should be asking why the United States went from a full democracy to a failed one.

You didn't answer the question about why you hate capitalism and democracy.


How do I hate capitalism, pray tell? I'm not in favor of medicare for all, like you. I'm not in favor increased entitlements, like you. I'm not in favor of additional govt regulations, like you.

So are you going to move to France, yes or no? The country is perfectly aligned for what you want. Problem solved.


Do you hate democracy? If not, why do you support Putin and Trump who hate it?


Now you changed the question, when your first question made no sense. How do I support Putin? Do I support Putin because paranoid Hillary said so? Everybody she doesn't like is a Russian agent.

How is supporting Trump hating democracy??? Did you not support Obama??? You know he bypassed Congress via presidential memorandum in order to enact policy all on his oddyknocky. Hypocrite much? Then again, what else is new?
