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The Republicans are NOT playing the long game here

By standing by the President in such a complete manner: refusing any relevant facts witnesses or professing such ridiculously outrageous theories like Dershowitz's " President can do whatever he like as long as he believes it is in the interest of the country", Trump defenders are playing a VERY short sighted game.

In the first place, ALL the facts about this Ukraine thing and the President's involvement will eventually come out. Some damning facts will be out before the end of Feb, much more will be out when Bolton's book comes out in March. But that's hardly the greatest danger. By defending Trump in such an unreasonable way, they are not just making Trump a strong President and themselves almost accomplices to his current and future crimes; they are making ANY future President almost impeach proof. All a future President will need is ONE house of congress, and less than two years in his term to become a despot.

I seriously doubt Trump can beat Biden after all this stink. I think he will have a hard time against any motivated Democrat. I think most Republicans in close races will LOSE if they refuse witnesses. The American people may not want to know about details but they are TIRED of the constant upheaval of Trump and wil want some calm. Biden is not the problem, but the GOP should consider a President Beto or President Warren or Sanders. At some point there will be a Democratic President in the future, with at least one , perhaps both houses of Congress, Republicans can not HOPE to get ANY Dem help reining that person in.

Expect executive orders on gun control, abortion rights, immigration, anything and everything they care about. Expect, no help in either the house or senate from Dems REGARDLESS of the truth, validity of the issue. Trump's has dismantled the VERY notion of right and wrong in government and it will permeate throughout the country. Republican don't expect Dems to be eager to restore what YOU let him tear down.

The IRONY is that most of the politicians who now FULLY support Trump know this. They knew it before me because they knew Trump and before he got the nomination....they were ALL saying it ...and more. The GOP populace ALSO know this every single one of them know he is a bad influence for the country but they love his judges or his immigration policies or his tax cut.

In other words they have made a deal with the devil. Well, we all know what happened to Dr Faust. For those who don't it is a story about a scholar who made a deal with the Devil for short term gain and suffered for ETERNITY because of it.


They are making a deal with the devil to keep their jobs. Those republicans like Thom Tillis in N.C. are feeling the heat.

Well said, btw. I like long posts that aren't a copy n paste job.

My feeling is that if an election were held today Trump would be beaten by Biden. It's a long time til the election, however. Public sentiment is swaying towards the DEMs right now. What this means is that those independent voters are gravitating towards the left.


That's a concern but trust Trump, we will have scandals all the way til Nov! No doubt! Cheating is the ONLY way Trump knows to win. I am not only referring to the GOP politicians btw. I am talking the regular joe who is willing to look the other way because they like "aspects " of Trump, THEY too have signed a Faustian deal.


What is your pivot if you were Biden when Trump goes "Creepy Joe"? That will happen.


If I were advising Biden, I would advise him to respond to each smear but on his own terms, not directly so they go tit for tat. So when Trump calls him "Creepy Joe" don't respond to it directly but perhaps later call Trump is the 'Maniacal Liar' or the 'Lyingest President' or 'Pinnochio' whose "hands get smaller with every lie he tells" Wouldn't be hard to get under his skin.


So change the conversation. Go on the attack. Very good advice.

Do not engage him directly.


Yes, but on YOUR OWN terms. Biden's people know his strengths, they should use them.


The debates would be nice but Trump will never do it.




Keep dreaming. It's the only thing you have now.


Great post!👍


There is no long term game for the republicans. The wall is just a slow down thing.
