MovieChat Forums > Politics > The hundreds of attacks by the fascist l...

The hundreds of attacks by the fascist left ignored by the democrat media/party

But it’s ok, Orange man bad.



All this time away and I come back to find you STILL at it. How are you not bored by this point? You're not even trolling in a good, unique or witty way. Stale-a$$, lame-a$$ troll.


Another lemming with zero to offer. We’re shocked.

Maybe while you’re gone this time you can educate yourself. See you in say 12 years?


Who pays you to post propaganda constantly?

Jim will be looking into the server connections, by the way. I let him know about the odd activity.

You won't be here much longer, I predict.


More liberal censorship. Can't take or accept the truth!


Did I deny or censor anything?

Seriously. Explain your completely untrue post, please.


"You won't be here much longer, I predict."

You are going to throw a fit with "Jim" to get this guy banned because he's post opposing views of yours, which btw are true. You must for CNN


Ah, no, nevermind you don't know what's going on.

I'm talking about weird hacker-like server connections that are being used by someone, probably to breach the site. I'm not really completely in on what's going on.

Gd5150's topics are obviously propaganda though, and you know it, because you support it.

When it's so blatant, though, it's a joke and we all know it. No one takes you seriously.

So then I wonder: Why do you do it?

I'm just curious. If you sincerely believe in what you preach, just say that. That's fine. I'm only curious.

Be as literal as you wish.


If any of this info from your conspiracy-theory website was true, then T-rump appointed Secretary Kevin McAleenan, Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary would have spoken out about it like he did on the increase in alt-right violence surging under T-rump. He would have revealed that this is a major concern on Capitol Hill, as is the alt-right violence.

Alas, he did not because he does not validate pure conspiracy bull$hit.


more like in the thousands...


A nice reminder of what we’re dealing with when it comes to the white liberal run BLM industry.

Meanwhile they continue to ignore the 100 blacks a week killed in Chicago and the 10000s killed in Democrat controlled cities every year.

