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WINNING? Far-Right violence and murder soaring under T-rump, according to new report

According to a new report by the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism, far-right violence has soared under President T-rump to some of the highest levels not seen in nearly 50 years.

Violence by white supremacists and other right-wing extremist disciples that has been rising since Barack Obama’s presidency and has surged since Donald Trump took office, the data shows. Right-wing domestic extremists took the lives of at least 50 people in 2018, up from the 37 the previous year. Last year was the fourth-deadliest for extremist attacks since 1970.

The far right accounted for 73% of extremist murders in the U.S. between 2009 and 2018, according to the ADL data, compared to 23% by Islamic extremists.

Secretary Kevin McAleenan, Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary, reported that white supremacist violence as a “huge issue” and an “increasingly concerning threat” in a Capitol Hill hearing just last month.

“Right-wing extremists have been one of the largest and most consistent sources of domestic terror incidents in the United States for many years; they have murdered hundreds of people in this country over the last ten years alone,” the ADL stated. “To date, there have not been any known Antifa-related murders.”

“White supremacists use even more extreme violence to spread their ideologies of hate, to intimidate ethnic minorities, and undermine democratic norms,” the report concluded.


We got another Smollett 2.0 story from here. Good thing you waited to see how it panned out this time lol


Don’t you have a conspiracy rebuttal from Sean Hannity to post?


Why doesn't FOX News ever report about the hate crimes by the far right rising to new levels under T-rump?


Aww a troll with barely any posts is HARPING on one old news story.

Apparently you believe that the old stale Smollett story overshadows overwhelming statistics and population trends.

LOL are you one of the paid ones who are using the weird server connection going on?

I'm suspecting it could be enough for legal liability, not criminal most likely.


What the fuck are your rambling about?


Nerve just got hit, wow you even did an F-bomb.

You just admitted you know what I'm talking about.

Emailing Jim this latest update. Thanks LOL!!!!

You're a maroon


??????? I've seen Trump Derangement Syndrome before but never cause someone's brain to shut down into tin foil conspiracy.


Why am I not surprised? t-Rump is a Fascist of the worst kind. He is dividing this country as no president in hisory ever has, insteat of uniting us. I hope we do not have to have another four years of his Presidency. I hate to think of what that would be like. He is the new Hitler.


What I find startling is the fact that his supporters find everyone else to be a 'racist' and a 'fascist', but not T-rump. It's like watching them live in a whole other world.


I especially like to see how many actual racists just love to throw back the "racist" and "fascist" accusations against their accusers claiming that THEY are the ones being discriminated against because what they say is valid as free speech.


Indeed -like White Supremacist Stephen Miller this morning on FOX ! Chris Wallace shut this shill down quickly. The WH really sent him in to speak on behalf of T-rump? What happened? Conway was too hungover to head to the studio?


More unsourced fake news.


Wow, you're up to four whole words in sentences now! Those remedial classes are working for ya!


He even snuck in a word that had more than one syllable.

Impressive, to say the least....


