MovieChat Forums > James Bond > Who should replace Daniel Craig?

Who should replace Daniel Craig?

There are so many actors that could, but these are my picks

Henry Cavill
Michael Fassbender
Idris Elba
Richard Armitage
Clive Owen


Don't care since in my book Sean Connery is James Bond. Old Skol guy here.


Aaron Taylor Johnson
Dan Stevens
Charlie Hunnam


Aiden Turner, Henry Cavill or Whoopi Goldberg


Nobody. The franchise has run its course. They should stop making James Bond movies at this point.


I'd like to see a TV Series adaption of the books, set in the 50's and 60's. Will never happen but its wishful thinking.


I’m tired of seeing people rehash the same stories over and over. I would like to see new storylines. James Bond was a character from the 60s and, for me, his time has passed.


He’s a popular literary character just like Sherlock Holmes and Tarzan, you’ll be seeing various versions of him for decades to come, I’d just love to see a version similar to the books.


You’re probably right, there will be more. I have not read any of the books, maybe that would be better. I’m also tired of Sherlock Holmes and Tarzan movies. Both have been done enough.


Idris Elba has repeatedly said he does not want the role and will not try to get it.


Would not make sense to replace a 53 year old Bond with a 49 year old one either.


Defo Henry Cavill


Cavil aint a bad choice. He was great in The Man from UNCLE. Truth is that I would rather they pick a no name who fits all the criteria.
