who is he?



He's the cunt (one of the frontmen) that is causing food shortages, powers shortages, etc. etc. He's trying to usher in communism under the guise of new world order. He's a bad bad man.

Before you dismisss me as a conspiracy theorist read his book.


A capitalist wants to usher communism? God, you're a fucking dumb Nazi.


Hownos, go to Patriots.win or greatawakening.win or if you want brutal truth consumeproduct.win.

Ask them for proof of the WEF.


Great Awakening = fascist QAnon conspiracy theory.

Go wait for JFK to return in Dallas, you big looney.


He is what is called a "germanic fallguy". He is the germanic male person who stands up in public and takes credit for unpopular happenings in government when ethnic celtic people and jewish people do not want to take credit for their machinations that they thought up. In the USA, an ethnic germanic male(name Anslinger) is given credit for the USA making drugs illegal even though it was ethnic celtic americans who wanted drugs(including marijuana) to be made illegal.


Check yourself into a mental institution.


I keep hearing about these "Celtic Peoples" more and more frequently in the last few years. I know who Celtic Peoples are, who Teutonic Peoples are, who Hallstatt Peoples are, and of course the Aryans...

Who started this business with "Celtic Peoples?"




I was just reading Lampedusa's "The Leopard" and one of the aristocrats in the novel (from 1850s) talks about the Illuminati and how they'll come after the aristocracy.

You conspiracy tards are anything if not original, rehashing 200+ year old conspiracy theories.


I read it recently and have no memory of such lines. Quote?


"He died for the King, of course, my dear Fabrizio, obviously," would have been the answer of his brother-in-law Malvica, had the Prince asked him, and Malvica was always the chosen spokesman of most of their friends. "For the King, who stands for order, continuity, decency, honor, right; for the King, who is sole defender of the Church, sole bulwark against the dispersal of property, 'The Sect's' ultimate aim."*

*["The Sect" refers to liberals and Freemasons]


Well, this is not Illuminati, although originally Illuminati were a liberal group espousing the ideas of Enlightenment and as such were anti-aristocracy. I don't think that they were active at the time of the novel. The modern myth of Illuminati is created by Robert Anton Wilson and his buddies as a sort of internal joke that got viral.



It's pretty much the Illuminati by any other name. Religious officials, monarchists and the aristocracy (and later conservatives, fascists, Nazis and other right-wingers) have propagated conspiracy theories about those seeking societal reforms for centuries.


He's a very evil man, in the [perceivable "near"] grips of global power(s), but for good or bad an ice cream or vacuum brand will be named after him someday.


Just a techno utopian leftie. I bothered myself to read the ominously titled The Great Reset to find that:

1. People believing in conspiracies are really as stupid at they look.
2. Schwab is a bad writer.
3. The book could have been a 5 page long article.

Don't bother yourself.


He is a man who only wants what's best for the world.


Klaus Schwab is of Swiss descent. 🇨🇭​
Just saying.
