MEWsHusband's Replies

Are you actually braindead? I have never been on this site before this account. You guys are legitimately paranoid and need help. I wouldn't say being against necrophilia and all of the other disgusting crap involved in this movie makes someone a prude. Enjoy them, I really love the books. The seperation is so different that I just have to think of them as two seperate canons though. Yeah there are a lot of things that get left out in the later movies, Goblet Of Fire, Order Of The Phoenix and Half Blood Prince are the biggest offenders in my opinion. Real Walt would be rolling in his cryo chamber cursing the people who took over his company and turned it from a wholesome family company to something so completely degenerate that it destroyed itself and literally needed the governments help from imploding. So are we going to ignore good ol' Billy boy going to the island as well? Every politician is pretty much corrupt. So if you're not my friend, why do you keep replying to my posts. You seem to really like me. Yes, she's the best actress. Mew mew on my friend. It is the point, that's the entire point of the first movie. They're the hottest, therefore the most popular. Fix your caps lock. Hiring unnattractive actors so they don't have sex? U wot. When you are as creatively bankrupt as Tina Fey it's much easier just to fall back on something that was popular years ago and try and remake it for modern audiences. I'm sure every franchise, every single movie and popular IP will be remade at some point because they legitimately cannot make anything new. It'll be interesting to see what the popular reaction is, because it seems like will try to deflect criticism because people will call it woke and then they'll say it's being review bombed or whatever. It will fail, and then they'll blame the audience, then repeat the cycle with something new. Don't hate watch it, just ignore it. "A nice gentleman who is kind with words That boy Nate Higgers is such a darling!" That's the most popular definition, I think you're just trying to excuse your racism by using the hard r n-word... Woah, calm down there, buddy. Why are you yelling? It doesn't help get your point across. How is pro-Palestine stuff BS? Enlighten me, please. Would be more hopeful if it wasn't Gaga in the role. I don't see how everything strenghthened your points when my points were completely opposite of what yours were. We only see him talking to Old Man Marley after Marley decides to talk to him at church. It's a small conversation and it's not exactly like Kevin was getting along better with him than anyone else, it just so happened to be the one adult who treated him like an actual kid and with actual respect. Meaning this was on Marley, not on Kevin, so it doesn't say much about Kevin prefers to talk to, and this continues with the Bird Lady in the second film. She was the only one who treated him like a child, every other adult was trying to either apprehend him or scaring him. I already touched on the sadism of the traps, and I don't know where you see autistic children or children with ADHD torturing anyone. It's cartoonishly evil, and if anything would show that Kevin is a sociopath. My opinion on that is that it's just part of the movie to get some laughs. As for why Kevin gets into so much trouble, we see it in the first movie quite clearly. Kevin was blamed for what happened at dinner, while Buzz got off completely free without even so much as someone giving him a dirty look. He's a child but no one seems to understand that, literally everyone in the family gave him the stink eye at the same time. I don't see this as some Christmas ritual that the family do, so I have to assume this happens pretty much all the time, so it's less about Kevin getting up to mischief but rather the family going out of their way to assume that no matter what Kevin is up to that he is getting into mischief. Not a Trump supporter, I just don't have paranoid delusions about him every waking hour. I wouldn't listen to this guy, after scraping through his post history it definitely seems like this guy sees Trump under his bed every night, or this is some extremely deep elaborate troll. My money is on the former though. Firstly, just because Kevin is smart doesn't mean that he has either of those diagnoses. If you're talking specifically about how he treated the invaders to his home, yes that would be cartoonishly evil to a point. I'm not talking about that though, I'm talking specifically about his interactions with Buzz and the rest of his family. It's also incredibly "moronic" to say the things you did and then immediately equate them to ADHD and autism. "1) Being hyperactive, unable to sit still for long periods, fidgety (I think Kevin was like that). 2) Difficult to focus at times, short attention span (We see that at times with Kevin). 3) Relating to adults better than kids their own age (also seems true of Kevin)." Most, if not all children are hyperactive at the age of 8-10, we never actually get to see what Kevin is like when he is being supervised by parents while he is doing something that he's enjoying, he wasn't allowed to watch the movie that all the other kids in the household were able to watch, obviously he's going to be upset with that. The only type of pizza that he enjoyed was either not bought (Buzz purchased the pizzas), or eatenj by Buzz. Buzz is an active bully when it comes to his little brother, we see this in both movies, so it is fair to assume that this happens on a regular basis, at a point anyone would snap, but Kevin being the age that he was makes it even easier for him to lose control and charge at Buzz. It needs to be pointed out that his parents never took Kevin's side once. Difficulty to focus? Where? His entire fun house that he creates to torture the bandits with is proof of his focus. Adding to this, what child with ADHD or autism can do what Kevin does? I don't see many children with ADHD wandering the cityscape of New York by themselves and being able to dupe adults to get what they want, or building traps like that. As for relating to adults better than kids, that's patently untrue when considering his parents or the hotel staff