nickatnoon61's Replies

Wooden Heart is my FAV song in GI Blues, and it was kinda cute with the blonde puppet too. When Lili was dancing/singing it was provocative. I SHUT IT OFF after 2 mins. in, when she kicked her shoes off and just drops her jacket on the floor in front of the door! WHO does that in REAL life??? Maybe EVERY room-mate Ive had in my life?!? L0L (it's social engineering) Nope, "Brief Encounter" actually shows some MORALITY in it, and is not comparable to a CRIME movie like "Out Of The Past". Wyatt was NOT excellent in that role at all AFAIC! She was type-cast as a June Cleaver type 'mom'! I am somewhat familiar with SF as a filming location, so I enjoy the films shot in that area. Good points Aintbee! L0L Didjou know that "Aunt Bee" died alone in SQUALOR and kitty doo-doo in her home town? On topic, Wyatt is much too 'nice-looking' for this role! It's better-suited to a Barbara Stanwyckish type actress! Yup! A 'cliche' is being WAY too kind! It's called GLAMMING low-lifes to make them look acceptable! My only experience in Ohio was NEGATIVE in 1970 when I was only 17. I was a young Canadian who got EDUCATED the hard way on the DANGER of being in the USA! Me and 2 buddies also spent 3 weeks in Kennedy Square (Detroit), and were the ONLY whites there at night! We were lucky to come out alive! I was mugged once and almost KNIFED another time! BTW, Ray Stevenson looks a LOT like a friend of mine who was Prez of the local Teamsters Union. Only if you can stomach another ULTRA-VIOLENT revenge movie that is predictable. This was starring Bruce Willis, NOT Clint Eastwood! :P I just finished watching Once Upon Venice, and Brucey Baybee was certainly the LEAD...There was a lot of 'drag'/cross-dressing crap in the film which turned me off, but it was entertaining, and gets a 6 from moi. FIX your spelling errors... I read years ago that Lorne Green was one of the biggest JERKS ever in HollyWEIRD, and there are a LOT of them in that area code! He has a very EVIL face, I saw thru him a long time ago. ILLegal is WAY more fun! L0L I found it on Youtube. intestines! @filmbuff, I've only seen one old film online that had very bad images, and I enjoy the 'remastered' films the best! (better audio and video). I'm just here to get opinions whether this movie is any good or not. I'm OK with most free films rated "6" or better! BTW...I like your John Wayne quote! I just finished watching the movie and I have NO IDEA what I just watched!!! I came back here to see if anybody knows what this was all about??? Good points liscarkat! I'm also a B&W film buff, and prefer them bcuz society has deteriorated harshly since the late 1960s! @ russogerard...Far out man!!! :P Come here and smell my finger! :P