MovieChat Forums > nickatnoon61

nickatnoon61 (34)



Wooden Heart is my FAV song in GI Blues, and it was kinda cute with the blonde puppet too. When Lili was dancing/singing it was provocative. I SHUT IT OFF after 2 mins. in, when she kicked her shoes off and just drops her jacket on the floor in front of the door! WHO does that in REAL life??? Maybe EVERY room-mate Ive had in my life?!? L0L (it's social engineering) Nope, "Brief Encounter" actually shows some MORALITY in it, and is not comparable to a CRIME movie like "Out Of The Past". Wyatt was NOT excellent in that role at all AFAIC! She was type-cast as a June Cleaver type 'mom'! I am somewhat familiar with SF as a filming location, so I enjoy the films shot in that area. Good points Aintbee! L0L Didjou know that "Aunt Bee" died alone in SQUALOR and kitty doo-doo in her home town? On topic, Wyatt is much too 'nice-looking' for this role! It's better-suited to a Barbara Stanwyckish type actress! Yup! A 'cliche' is being WAY too kind! It's called GLAMMING low-lifes to make them look acceptable! My only experience in Ohio was NEGATIVE in 1970 when I was only 17. I was a young Canadian who got EDUCATED the hard way on the DANGER of being in the USA! Me and 2 buddies also spent 3 weeks in Kennedy Square (Detroit), and were the ONLY whites there at night! We were lucky to come out alive! I was mugged once and almost KNIFED another time! BTW, Ray Stevenson looks a LOT like a friend of mine who was Prez of the local Teamsters Union. Only if you can stomach another ULTRA-VIOLENT revenge movie that is predictable. This was starring Bruce Willis, NOT Clint Eastwood! :P I just finished watching Once Upon Venice, and Brucey Baybee was certainly the LEAD...There was a lot of 'drag'/cross-dressing crap in the film which turned me off, but it was entertaining, and gets a 6 from moi. View all replies >