MovieChat Forums > Marriage Story (2019) Discussion > This movie was TERRIBLE! Scarlett Johans...

This movie was TERRIBLE! Scarlett Johansson ruined it

Oh wow, where do I begin. (SPOILERS)

As an Oscar blogger, I am shocked at all the awards attention this shallow, empty, annoying and boring film is getting. It's the most pretentious crap I've seen in years. The only saving grace is Laura Dern, who at least has funny charm without trying too hard.

The problem with Marriage Story is that there is NO conflict. The main characters, Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson, are going through a divorce. But because we don't know what led up to their divorce, all the yelling and tears and monologues thrown at us become repetitive headaches.

The film opens promisingly. We hear voice overs from both stars about why they fell in love with the other person. Johansson's character is presented as a warm, selfless being who doesn't get upset a lot, who is kind to strangers, and who has lot's of patience. NOT SO. We find out this is just an act to get the couple into marriage counseling. Scarlett is none of the things Driver describes. She is a spoiled, self-absorbed bitch. I didn't find one ounce of likability in her, or how she decided to portray the character. The fake tears that fall from her cheeks make her look annoying and boorish. Johansson's voice has a husky, flat tone which makes her come off mannish and dull. And she's only 5'3- so she's dumpy looking and short. She gives the worst female performance of the year and yet Oscar's shortlist is looking good for her, as she got the Globe and SAG nomination. Don't buy the hype. She's dreadful.

Adam Driver is miles better, and a more likable character. But sadly he's also a wuss. He speaks in monotone passages most of the time, and his relationship with his son doesn't have a hint of chemistry. The boy is a prop. Again, because there's no real conflict (he cheated on her once, but why he did is never explained) we don't care. Both of them are rich enough to live in New York and LA at the same time. Both are rich enough to hire high end attorneys to fight out their custody battle. Most of the dialogue revolves around money and Scarlett's new movie deals she's making, and Driver's Broadway ambitions. Show business parents don't make for interesting characters unless they're portraying real actors.

Enter Laura Dern. If there's one thing I will say about this movie, it's that even with all it's horrible qualities (the script sucks, the direction sucks) - Dern steals the show. She's able to elevate the material to a more mature, layered level. She's meant for a more sophisticated screenplay like the one she gets in Big Little Lies. Here she nails every line, and every mannerism of a cynical attorney who also can also belittle you with a hand gesture. I loved her. Unfortunately she's not in this drivel enough.

The worst scenes in the movie -

1. Scarlett Johansson gives a MASSIVELY long, boring monologue about marriage and love to Laura Dern in her office. It drags and drags and drags. Like a bad one act play, where the actor can't convey their feelings further than simple screaming and whining. I never even heard the dialogue after a while, because it all didn't make sense. It was just babbling.

2. Adam Driver's embarrassingly funny song at the end. His random karaoke moment in the bar with his friends was just dumb. It came off forced and dare I say- campy?

Driver is endearing with the final moments reading to his son after the papers have been filed and the two get joint custody. After both Dern and Ray Liotta bleed them of their cash for a pointless settlement.

See this film for Laura. See how one actor can actually make you stick around even when every other aspect of the film is disgraceful (including the manipulative score).

FINAL GRADE: D+ (Dern being the plus)


Well looking at the director. I think all he dose is make pretentious films.


Don't see why you couldn't use your imagination to figure out why there might be conflict. Divorce is common enough, and the reasons are frequently the same.


I SHUT IT OFF after 2 mins. in, when she kicked her shoes off and just drops her jacket on the floor in front of the door! WHO does that in REAL life??? Maybe EVERY room-mate Ive had in my life?!? L0L (it's social engineering)
