MovieChat Forums > MCguy > Replies

MCguy's Replies

You claim was "Ray Bradbury had a chapter of his 1950 book The Martian Chronicles removed for being "problematic"". These articles state that some people have a problem with the chapter, perhaps the same type that think Blazing Saddles is racist. I didn't see where the publishers or Bradbury removed the chapter for being problematic. Regardless, thanks for the links. Good answer. This what Wikis says about that chapter: As 1999 approached, the fictional future written into the first edition was in jeopardy, so the work was revised and a 1997 edition was published to advance all of the dates by 31 years (with the plot running from 2030 to 2057 instead of 1999 to 2026). The 1997 edition added "November 2033: The Fire Balloons" and "May 2034: The Wilderness", and omitted "Way in the Middle of the Air", a story considered less topical in 1997 than 1950. Less topical is hardly the same as problematic. If you have credible documentation to support your claim, please post it. Thank you. great news . thanks He won't believe you. In real-life, Monk's is actually Tom's diner located at 2880 Broadway, New York, NY 10025. It's a first floor restaurant . On the show, I think Monk's is nearby, but a different building. I did stay on topic. Starting with the original post: You speak with authority on accents. Asking for your credentials is not only on topic, but reasonable. You wanted to discuss can one become a crime legends at mid-30's, but you know nothing about real-life crime legends and don't want to learn. One again your topic. Because according to you Finstad has credible evidence of the claim. Lana does not. Also she could print an updated edition of her book which names him and makes more $$$. That is a good reason. That fact that you are unaware means very little in this discussion. So you're a dialog coach or a linguist? Thanks for your input. If she had sources and named them, how could she be sued, at least successfully? Since Douglas is dead why hasn't Suzanne Finstad named him? I love how the conspiracy nuts only use fringe "news" sites and never the MSM. "What about the time he claimed that either Trump, Biden or Sanders would die from COVID?" CNN, Google, Bing, and Duck Go don't seem to know about this claim. Do you have a link from a MSM source? I would think the MSM would have noted this claim? "How about when he suggested that parents should murder their mentally ill or drug-addicted sons, if they believed he posed a 'threat' to themselves or society?" I didn't bother to search for this one, but I am sure you have CREDIBLE documentation. "Or when he stated that Republicans would be hunted within a year of Biden's election, and then switched that to 'within 2 years of his election' after his *first* prediction fell completely flat?" I see fringe sources covering this, but no MSM. This is just the beginning. We live in a world where Blazing Saddles is considered racist; a movie that mocks racism. The Queen was confused. She had never seen a Black outside of a tribe in Africa or a maid's uniform. She also believed Obama was the ruler of Kenya. Yes, she was a birther. A title that hilarious can only be for a bad film. argumentative I have corrected the post. Thanks Chester is just being argumentative. Reduce your stress by ignoring. Semi-famous? Those guys are real life legends. Keyser Sozer is a character in a movie. Movies aren't reality. After further consideration, you do seem to be rational, sane, and intelligent. So that clears you as a ghost account. I am for getting along.